Bosanski jezik

Which language family does English belong to?

English belongs to the Germanic language family. 



Kojoj jezičkoj skupini pripada bosanski jezik?

Which language family does Bosnian belong to?

Bosanski jezik pripada južnoslavenskoj grupi jezika. Južnoslavenska grupa jezika pripada široj slavenskoj porodici jezika.


From which language does the flower name 'tulip' come from?

German or Turkish?

The flower name "tulip" comes from the Turkish word "tülbent" or "dülbent," which means "turban" in English. This is because the shape of the tulip flower was thought to resemble a turban.


How many grammatical genders does English have?

English does not have grammatical genders. 


Koliko negacija može da bude u sljedećoj rečenici?

Ja sam nekom nekada nešto negdje rekao. 

How many negations can there be in the following sentence?

U rečenici "Ja sam nekom nekada nešto negdje rekao." može da bude 5 negacija: 

Nisam nikome nikada ništa nigdje rekao.

There can be 5 negations.


How many special characters does the German language have?

The German language has four special characters, which are known as umlauts. These characters are:

  1. Ä (ä)
  2. Ö (ö)
  3. Ü (ü)
  4. ß (ß) - This is called the "Eszett" or "sharp S."

Words like: level, madam, noon, radar or phrases like “A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.” are called …


When a word or phrase is spelled the same forwards and backward it is called Palindrome.


Koliko afrikata ima u bosanskom jeziku?

How many affricates are there in the Bosnian language?

Afrikata u bosanskom jeziku ima 7: č, ć, ž, š, đ, dž i c.

There are 7 affricates in the Bosnian language: č, ć, ž, š, đ, dž and c.


How many special characters does the Turkish language have?

Turkish has 6 special characters, which are specific to the Turkish alphabet:

  1. Ç (ç)
  2. Ğ (ğ)
  3. I (ı)
  4. Ş (ş)
  5. Ü (ü)
  6. Ö (ö)

How many interpretations can this sentence have by placing the word "only" anywhere in the sentence?

She told him that she loved him.

So, there are five different interpretations of the sentence depending on the placement of the word "only." 

  1. Only she told him that she loved him. (Emphasizes that she, and no one else, told him.)
  2. She only told him that she loved him. (Emphasizes that she only communicated her love, but may not have shown it in other ways.)
  3. She told only him that she loved him. (Emphasizes that she only shared her feelings with him, and not with others.)
  4. She told him only that she loved him. (Emphasizes that she only conveyed the message of her love, without expressing any other sentiments.)
  5. She told him that only she loved him. (Emphasizes that she claims to be the only one who loves him.)

Koja glasovna promjena se desila u sljedećem primjeru:


What sound change occurred in the following example? prah - prašina



How many meanings does the German word "bitte" have?


1. "Bitte" can mean "please" as in "Bitte schön" (You're welcome) or "Bitte kommen Sie rein" (Please come in).

2. It can also mean "you're welcome" as a response to "Danke" (Thank you).

3. Additionally, "bitte" can mean "here you go" when handing something to someone, such as when giving change or passing an item.


What is the rule in English grammar that governs the order of adjectives in a sentence?

The rule is known as the "OSASCOMP" rule, which stands for Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, and Purpose. It dictates the order in which adjectives should be placed before a noun.


Koju funkciju ima riječ “gȍrē” u rečenici “Gȍre gȍrē gòre gòrē”?

What function does the word "gȍrē" serve in the sentence "Gȍre gȍrē gòre gòrē"?

"Gȍrē" je komparativ od loše, te u ovoj rečenici ima funkciju priloške odredbe za način.

"Gȍrē" is the comparative form of "bad," so in this sentence, it functions as an adverbial modifier of manner.  


Translate the following sentence into Turkish: 

Ich lerne Deutsch und Türkisch in der Schule. 

The translation of the sentence "Ich lerne Deutsch und Türkisch in der Schule." into Turkish is:

"Okulda Almanca ve Türkçe öğreniyorum."
