what is dana's favorite color?
navy blue
what breed is chase?
golden doodle
what grades are both dana and bryan in?
bryan: 8th grade
dana: 12th grade
what age was dana when the chengs moved from pomona to eastvale
four years old
what is dana's favorite game to play
what is bryan's favorite food
banh xeo
what is chase's bad habit?
jumping on people
if dana doesn't get into any UC colleges, what college would she want to go to
what does bryan do on his pc when he isn't playing games
listen to music
what is dana's favorite drink
anything matcha
when did we first bring chase home?
october 25, 2022
where was dana born?
what did dana used to do in her free time during quarantine
what is bryan's favorite anime
what is chase's favorite food?
bananas (everything)
how many crushes has bryan had in the past
bryan has been hospitalized once with one illness: what was bryan sick with?
what roblox game does bryan play the most?
deep woken
what is dana's favorite YouTuber
trick question: i don't have one
when is chase's birthday
january 18, 2022
dana failed only one ap test: which AP test did she fail and what score did she get?
BONUS: how many AP classes did dana take?
a one on AP physics
BONUS: 9 AP classes
dana has had one surgery in her life: what was her surgical procedure?