when was i born
what is november 24 2010?
how tall am i
what is 5,0?
what is my favorite color
what is red?
salty or spicy
what is spicy?
sweet or sour
what is sour?
my sport
what is track?
celebrity crush
who is micheal B jordan?
sweet smelling perfume or bold smelling
biggest pet peeve
favorite fast food
favorite movies/movie director
board games or online games
what is board games
snapchat or tiktok
what is tiktok?
day party or night party
what is night party?
teacher i hate the most
who is mrs zimmerman?
my favorite quote
what is yolo?
crayons or colored pencils
what state was i born in
what is new jersey?
my phobias
what is claustrophobia or trypophobia?
music or movies
what is movies
____ is my favorite color because…
what is pink is my second favorite and pink is a shade of red?
when/why was i closest to death
what is choking on a seed(choking)?
what has been my lowest grade ever
what is D?
least favorite month
what is december?
whats my favorite cereal
what is lucky charms?