Dance utilizes the range and movement of this.
What is the body?
This is the likely country of origin of Baroque dance.
What is France?
These shoes have stiff fronts that enable ballerinas to do technical movements on their toes.
What are point shoes?
Tap originates from this country.
What is the USA?
This man played a large role in the origin of breakdancing.
Who is Kool Here?
This usually accompanies dances.
What is music?
Baroque was a precursor to this type of dance.
What is ballet?
This is the greek word "ballare," which is the Italian origin-word for ballet.
What is ballizo?
Tap is popular today in these kinds of productions.
What are broadway musicals?
Breakdancers continually draw from this for inspiration.
What is their culture?
The first written records of dance have been traced back to this ancient civilization.
What is ancient Egypt?
This was likely the most popular form of Baroque dance.
What is the Allemande?
This is one of the most famous ballets, written by Tchaikovsky.
What is Swan Lake?
Early tap shoes would sometimes have these attached to the heel and toe.
What are pennies?
Breakdancing originated in 1970's in this city.
What is New York City (NYC)?
This book has the first recorded instance of dancing in the Bible.
What is Exodus?
This dance, translated from French, means "small."
What is menuet (minuet)?
Ballet was brought to France when King Henry II married this Italian woman.
Who is Catherine de Medici?
This is the name of the metal plates attached to the bottom of modern tap shoes.
What are taps?
Breakdancing is usually a combination of these three things.
What are martial arts, gymnastics, and funk-dance?
These are the two categories of dance.
What are impulse and choreographed?
These locations, there are two, are where Baroque dances were typically done.
What are royal courts and ballrooms?
Ballet a not only a type of dance, but a type of this as well.
What is a type of performance?
Tap regained popularity during this revival movement.
What is the Harlem Renaissance?
Breakdancing got its name from people dancing during these.
What are percussive breaks?