How many stealth stars does Brighteny have?
What is a main character?
A big twisted
How many hearts does a main character toon have?
Who is behind the ichor operation?
How full do you need your mastery bar for a main character, and if you need to, hoe full you need it for a normal toon.
Main Character- Full bar Normal toon- half full
What two toons have the lowest movement speed?
Connie and Shrimpo
Name two rare twisteds
Gigi, Goob, Glisten, Scraps, Flutter,
How much research do you need for a main character? And if you need to, how much research do you need?
Main character- 100% Normal- 50%
Who is the "Forgotten" main character?
What is the only main character that you don't need mastery for?
What two toons have the fastest extraction speed?
Glisten and Vee
What is the fastest twisted in panic mode?
Pebble or Coal in a blackout (they're about the same)
Out of the following toons is the most expensive ichor wise: Gigi, Glisten, Flutter, Scraps
What is the relationship between Dandy and Astro, how close are they?
They are "best friend" type, as Dandy only really pays attention to Astro. They are rather close, confirmed by Qwel, and some of the dialogue.
What kind of skin type do you always get when completing your mastery?
Vintage/black and white
What floors do Razzle and Dazzle have movement speed, and what floors do they have extraction speed?
Even- Extraction Speed Odd- Movement speed
Which of the following twisteds, are uncommon: Vee, Scraps, Gigi, Brighteny, Cosmo, Finn, Looey
Brighteny and Finn
What toon starts with starter stats, but then changes as the floors go on?
Razzle and Dazzle
Name the toon Dandy often ignores/fights with commonly.
Name one toon you need to complete mastery for a main character.
Brighteny, Tisha, Toodles, Cosmo,
Out of the 2024 Christmas event, what Christmas toon has the highest movement speed?
What are the five different twisted rarities?
Common, uncommon, rare, main character, lethal
What is the only toon that in which you need a certain amount of toons to get?
Name the two toons that have an interaction that proves Dandy and Astro have a connection
Vee and Sprout
What are all the toons you need to complete mastery for, and what main do they go to?
Tisha - Shelly
Toodles - Pebble
Brighteny - Vee
Cosmo - Sprout