Where is my dream vacation?
Tanzania or Thailand
What is my starbucks order?
What is my birthday?
September 23
What do I usually do on a daily basis for entertainment
Go outside
What color are my eyes?
What is my favorite state I’ve been to?
Utah or Florida
Where is my favorite cheeseburger from?
In and out Burger
What is my zodiac sign?
What is my favorite tv show?
The Series of Unfortunate Events
Am I a night owl or morning person?
Morning person or both
What continent do I want to visit the most?
South Asia (Asia)
What is my McDonalds order?
Quarter pounder with cheese (plain) meal with Dr Pepper
What day of the week was I born?
What is my favorite winter activity?
What is my second favorite airline?
How many states have a been to?
What is my canes order?
3 finger box combo (3 chicken fingers, fries, Dr Pepper)
What lunch do I usually make when I have the chance to?
Cheese quesadilla
What is my favorite entertainment activity aside from traveling/flying?
Plane spotting
On what day did we move to this house?
December 2nd, 2012
Where was I on March 3, 2019
Anaheim, California
What food place has my favorite French fries?
McDonald’s or Chick fil a
What is my favorite time to fly?
What is my favorite outdoor activity in the summer?
What did I do to our garbage can when I was little so we could get a new one?
Kicked off the wheel