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Extra Questions

A seemingly kind person's mask fell in this episode of Chapter 2.

Chapter 2 Episode 11


What are the names of the red-haired student seen in Teruko's flashback when she's stabbed and the Unnamed Student in the Bonus Episodes?

Trick Question! Both are named Mai Akasaki. 


What is J's mom's name?

Mariabella Rosales. What a woman.


What color(s) are Xander's eyes?

Yellow and Grey.


Let's test some shippers, can you name 3 separate Jarei moments?



In this episode of Chapter 1, we see the first body discovery of the series.

Chapter 1 Episode 6

Even though they might not have been the *most* voted pairs, they still won the lottery. What character pairs in the cast appeared in the DRDT Free Time Events Video?

Nico and Rose, J and Arei (preach) and Whit and Charles.


How many siblings does Ace Markey have?



Charles, as seen in Chapter 2 Episode 3, has a scar on his arm, which he is under the impression of being a birthmark. What actually is the scar?

It's a dog bite scar.


Name 3 popular theories from Danganronpa: Despair Time's fandom.

Any three answers are acceptable, including J and Arei swapping clothes, Min/Rose is a robot, Whit being in a timeloop, Teruko not being part of the main cast's class, Teruko and Xander being part of a previous killing game, etc etc.


The line "Who's there? I-I know you've been following me!" is from which episode in Chapter 2? (Bonus points if you can tell me who says it.)

Chapter 2, Episode 6 (Said by Eden)


In the sprite gallery section of the tumblr, how many characters have more than one different sets of sprites? Double points if you can name who the characters are.

7. Teruko, Xander, Ace, Hu, Whit, Levi, and David.


Throughout Despair Time, two companies are mentioned by name, both very different from each other, but both relating to two people in the cast. What foundations are these and who do they relate to?

The Sperling Foundation and XF-Ture Tech, Relating to Rose and Min 


These two characters attempted two murders on another two students in the cast in their respective chapters, and because of that, ended up causing two separate murders. 

Xander attempted to murder Teruko, and ended up causing Min to kill him, and Nico attempted to murder Ace, which caused Ace to be inspired to murder Arei.


In another QnA, a list of the cast's favorite ice cream flavors was revealed. Can you name four of those flavors?

Teruko - red bean Charles - coffee Whit - vanilla Rose - red velvet Arturo - chocolate mint Levi - caramel Eden - honeycomb J - black sesame Hu - rose Nico - "the flavor" (doesn't elaborate further) Arei - birthday cake Min - lemon Xander - sauerkraut??? Veronika - funfetti David - pistachio Ace - frozen bananas (actual frozen bananas, not ice cream)

In the prologue, while introductions are being made, how many characters were introduced in episode 3? Bonus points if you can name what characters were introduced.

4. Those being Arturo, Levi, Ace and Min.


According to a Tumblr QnA, everyone in the cast but one person has a favorite color. Name at least three characters and their favorite colors. 

Teruko: red (reasoning: association)
Charles: “Why would I assign emotional value to colors? That’s a ridiculous waste of energy.” (cerulean)
Whit: neon pink (reasoning: “Pink!!”)
Rose: lilac (reasoning: likes subdued colors for their subtlety)
Arturo: blueish white (reasoning: sterile)
Levi: cerise pink (reasoning: feminine)
Eden: daffodil yellow (reasoning: happy)
J: black (reasoning: cool)
Hu: emerald green (reasoning: elegant)
Nico: none (reasoning: no interest)
Ace: dark blue/purple (reasoning: refuses to provide reasoning)
Arei: azure (reasoning: “I’m blue, so clearly it’s the best color!”)
Min: taupe (reasoning: comforting)
Xander: bright red (reasoning: passionate color)
Veronika: white in conjunction with other colors (reasoning: brings out other colors well)
David: gamboge (reasoning: inspiring)


You'll gain points even if you can only answer once. Recite up to 8 secrets given as motives in Chapter 2, gaining 50 points for each.

Well, didja do it? Tally up the points, then.


The name of a friend of Ace's can be seen in one of the tombstones at the start of his execution. What name is that?

Taylor Riley

Two brothers are referred to by name in Despair Time by two different characters, can you name the brothers and the characters that mentioned them?

Duke and Richard Spurling, being mentioned by Xander and Rose.


Name the number of both episodes where Levi gets injured.

Prologue, Episode 5 and Chapter 2, Episode 16.


By now, how old is the first episode of the Prologue?

4 years old. Happy New Year 1997!


Can you name all the ways Ace almost died/the ways of death mentioned and the way he actually died in his execution? If you can recite at least five, I'll give you the point.

Death by Illness, Death by Fire, Death by Car Accident, Death by Falling, Death by Murder, Death by Drowning, Death by Lightning and Death by Execution/Firing Squad. He died from a fear-induced cardiac arrest.


Why does Veronika wear only one single earring?

It's a good luck charm given to her by her dearest friend.


Obviously, Teruko appears the most times in video thumbnails, but which 4 characters are split into a fourway tie for LEAST times appearing in a video thumbnail, appearing only 1 time each?

It's a four way tie between Min, Hu, Levi and Arturo
