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According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Daniel Theme, what book might appropriately be called a handbook on history and prophecy.
According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Daniel Theme, how is Daniel's God described?
The Arbiter of history.
According to SDA Bible Commentary, All 4 visions of the book of Daniel are concerned with what?
The struggle between the forces of good and evil on this earth from the time of Daniel to the establishment of the eternal kingdom of Christ
According to SDA Bible Commentary, What book should we carefully search for light to dispel the darkness and for a clearer interpretation of any portions of the book of Daniel?
1. 4 points. According to the SDA Bible Commentary Daniel Theme, when does each of the four lines of prophecy reach a climax? 2. According to the SDA Bible Commentary Daniel Theme, when each of the four lines of prophecy reaches a climax, what will the God of heaven set up?
1. When the "God of heaven" sets "up a kingdom.", which shall never be destroyed. When the "Son of man" receives "everlasting dominion.". When opposition to the "Prince of princes" is "broken without hand.". When God's people are delivered forever from their oppressors. 2. A kingdom which shall never be destroyed.
According to SDA Bible commentary, Daniel Theme,
According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Daniel Theme, as the Jews went captive to Babylon it was desirable that they be held under what type of hand?
Firm without being cruel.
According to SDA Bible Commentary, All 4 visions of the book of Daniel are concerned with the struggle between the forces of good and evil on this earth during what time?
From the time of Daniel to the establishment of the eternal kingdom of Christ.
According to SDA Bible Commentary, Who was specifically instructed to "seal not the sayings of the prophecy" of his book, "for the time is at hand"?
1. According to the SDA Bible Commentary Daniel Theme, what did Belshazzar, the last ruler of Babylon do? 2. (3 pts.) According to the SDA Bible Commentary Daniel Theme, what was the first act that Nebuchadnezzar perform after his reason returned to him?
1. He openly defied (challenged, disobeyed, go against, ignore) the God of heaven (Daniel 5:23). 2. He praised, extolled (overpraise, praise enthusiastically) and honor the king of heaven.
According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Daniel Theme, what does the divinely constructed bridge in the prophecies of Daniel span?
The precipice of time to the boundless shores of eternity.
2 points. According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Daniel Theme, in the historical section of the book, why was Daniel brought face to face to Nebuchadnezzar?
That the king might have opportunity to know Daniel's God and to cooperate with Him.
(3 pts.) According to SDA Bible Commentary, What did Nebuchadnezzar's experience of having his vaunted wisdom and power temporarily removed for 7 years teach him about "the most High"?
He is wise and powerful, He exercises that wisdom and power to rule in human affairs, and He has wisdom, power, and authority
According to SDA Bible Commentary, the book of Revelation in large measure covers the same ground as Daniel but it gives particular emphasis to the role of what?
The Christian church as God's chosen people.
1. According to the SDA Bible Commentary Daniel Theme, how is Daniel described in the historical section of the book? 2. According to the SDA Bible Commentary Daniel Theme, in the historical section of the book, who is Daniel, God's man of the hour brought face to face with?
1. God's man of the hour. 2. Nebuchadnezzar, the genius of the Gentile world.
2 points. According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Daniel Theme, what is needed to fully understand or appreciate the role of the other nations that succeeded Babylon on the screen of prophetic vision?
A clear understanding of the philosophy of history as revealed in the narrative of the role of Babylon in the divine plan.
According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Daniel Theme, of him God said, "Now have I _________ all these _________ into the hand of ____________ the king of _________ my _________________"
given, lands, Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon, servant
(4 pts.) According to SDA Bible Commentary, What happened once Babylon had its period of test?
It failed, its glory faded, its power departed, and its place was occupied by another.
(2 pts.) According to SDA Bible Commentary, What was Daniel bidden to do to the part of his prophecy which related to the last days?
Close up and seal it to the time of the end.
1. In Sda Bible Commentary Daniel theme, what do the prophecies of Daniel thus provide? 2. According to the SDA Bible Commentary Daniel Theme, how do those who like Daniel purpose in their hearts to love and serve God pass over the divinely constructed bridge?
1. A divinely constructed bridge 2. By faith.
According to SDA commentary Daniel theme, the element of prediction does what?
Enables God's people to the things of time in the light of eternity. Alerts them for effective action at appropriate times. Personal preparation for the final crisis. Provides a firm basis of faith upon fulfillment of the prediction.
According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Daniel Theme, why could God use Daniel?
Because He was a man of principle, a man of sterling character, and a man whose chief business in life was to live for God.
According to SDA Bible Commentary, Who was the last ruler of Babylon?
According to SDA Bible Commentary, We should carefully search the book of Revelation for a clearer interpretation of any portions of what book?
1. According to the SDA Bible Commentary Daniel Theme, what do those who purpose in their hearts to love and serve God pass over the divinely constructed bridge by faith to? 2. According to the SDA Bible Commentary Daniel Theme, what does the historical section of the book of Daniel reveal in most striking manner?
1. The peace and security of life everlasting. 2. The true philosophy of history.