Daniel saw this person sit on His throne
Who is the Ancient of Days
Daniel's babylonian name
What is Belteshazzar
The King brought these trophies out at his feast
What are the goblets from the Temple
The middle and thighs of the statue were made of this
What is bronze
Nebuchadnezzar was like a beast for this long
What is 7 periods of time
These four beasts came from the sea
What is a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a terrifying beast
Shadrach's original name
What is Hananiah
These words appeared on the wall
What is Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin
Nebuchadnezzar was portrayed as this in his second dream
What is a tree
Darius received the kingdom at this age
What is 62
This was Daniel's reaction to the vision
What is he was greatly alarmed and his color changed
The ruler when Nebuchadnezzar besieged Judah
What is Jehoiakim
Daniel's reward for interpreting the writing
What is a purple robe, a chain of gold, and a promotion to the third ruler of the kingdom
After the tree was cut down, it was bound by this
What is a band of bronze and iron
This time passed between Daniel's interpretation and Nebuchadnezzar's humiliation
What is 12 months
The vision happened in this year of Belshazzar's reign
What is the First Year
These kings promoted Daniel
Who is Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar
Belshazzar invited them to the feast
Who are 1000 Nobles/Lords
They proclaimed that the tree be cut down and ruined
What is a holy one/a watcher
The last named king in Daniel
Who is Darius the Mede
This phrase is used to describe the time the little horn shall reign over the Saints of the Most High
What is for a time, times, and half a time
This man brought Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar for the first interpretation
Who is Arioch
The King and his guests praised these
What are the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone
This person told Belshazzar to ask Daniel for an interpretation
What is the queen
Darius set this number of satraps over the kingdom
What is 120?