Define the Law of Noncontradiction.
A cannot be non-A at the same time and in the same sense.
Define the Law of Causality.
Every effect must have an antecedent cause.
What is the Basic Reliability of Sense Perception?
The idea that the senses, although limited, are basically trustworthy.
___________ first articulated the "analogical use of language."
Thomas Aquinas
God is the transcendent creator of the world, but he is not involved in his creation. He is not personal.
Who invented logic?
Which Scottish Empiricist questioned the helpfulness of the Law of Causality?
David Hume
Immanuel Kant
Name the three types of language we discussed in class.
Univocal, Equivocal, and Analogical
According to Sproul, a denial of logic will always be __________ and __________.
Forced; Temporary
Latent in ____________ is the denial of logic in general, and the law of Noncontradiction in particular.
If we deny the basic reliability of our senses, then what two disciplines fail?
Religion and Science
What do you call someone who thinks that language is only meaningful if it can be verified?
A Logical Positivist
If I thought God existed, that he helps us out when we ask him to, that good people go to heaven when they die, but God isn't really concerned about sin, I would be a __________________.
Moralistic Therapeutic Deist
Why, according to Sproul, is the debate over when a person denies the validity of the Law of Noncontradiction?
They have no basis for making any kind of rational argument.
True or False: a correlation of data proves that there must be a causal relationship.
Which biblical character did we mention in class who trusted that his senses were reliable?
Peter (2 Pet. 1:16-18)
DAILY DOUBLE: How is it that humans, using analogy, can say anything meaningful about the divine?
We're made in the image of God
A popular analogy that Deists have used to describe God is that he is like a ________________.
How is it contradictory to claim that "all truth is relative?"
That statement is an absolute truth claim.
This individual erroneously defined the Law of Causality this way: Everything must have a cause.
John Stuart Mill
What example did Augustine use to demonstrate the idea that our senses are limited?
A "bent" oar in the water.
What is the big problem with the principle of verification?
It cannot be empirically verified.
Deists claim that God does not intervene in creation. Therefore, miracles don't happen. How is there worldview inconsistent in this regard?
If God can create by a miracle, why can't he continue to intervene in creation by miracles?