What is the name of the song that plays during the level "City Escape" in Sonic Adventure 2?
Escape from the City
Where does Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria Simulator take place?
Hurricane, Utah
"I'm gonna _______"
wape uuuuuuu
What is the function of the appendix?
The appendix has no function
What is funny?
Sonic wasn't always going to be a hedgehog, what animal was he originally going to be?
a Rabbit
What is the favorite drink of Kel from Omori?
Orange Joe
Arthur Audette
what is the common name of the chemical monohydrogen dioxide?
Simple Question: Could I have a glass of water?
any reference to the burger king plane video
Sonic originally was intended to have a 6th sense for danger, what happened to Sonic to show this dangersense?
Sonic would sneeze
How many times max can Mr Fantastic bounce with his ultimate?
6 times
"Sorry, I'm ____, _____, _____"
Neurodivergent, Autism, Down Syndrome
What is the job of the endocrine system?
To regulate hormones throughout the body using different glands
Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a insane decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will fade. The spring will come.
In the game Knuckles Chaotix there is a secret bugged character caused from leftover code related to tails, what is the name of this secret bugged character?
(hint: Debug menu or Fan-given name)
********** or Wechina
What is the name of the Ultimate Writing Prodigy from Danganronpa Trigger happy havoc?
Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack
If GooseKing was a superhero what would his name be?
What is the fastest man-made object?
A manhole cover
Dehuzz this quote: I am suzztuzz a fuzz and suzztuzz a liuzz. Thuzz whuzz secruzz of guzzernmuzz luzz in knuzzing whuzz to buzz thuzz ouzz or thuzz othuzz.
I am sometimes a fox and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of government lies in knowing when to be the one or the other.
What is the name of the event that occured in the Sonic Archie Comics that managed to rewrite the timeline erasing many of the worlds characters?
Super Genesis Wave or Genesis Wave (i'll accept it)
What was the original concept for Persona 5 before the 2011 TÅhoku earthquake struck Japan?
Backpacking Around the World
What is the best place in CSGO history?
The Cheg Spot
How much of something is a mole?
Unscramble this word: ndeesaivppgro
(Everybody gets to go whoever unscrambles first steals the points)