Dani's birthday
March 20th
Alex's Alma Mater
The most popular wedding month
How did the Bride and Groom meet?
The date of the wedding
April 4, 2024
Dani's go-to mixed drink
French 75
The groom's birthday
July 7th
The most popular season to host a bachelorette party
Proposal location
Who is the groom's best man?
Dani's favorite musical artist
Taylor Swift
Alex's favorite physical feature about the bride
"Dat booty tho"
The #1 bachelorette destination in the US
The couple's honeymoon destination
The wedding colors
Dani's middle name
Alex's pet name for Dani
Baby love
The average size of a bachelorette party
10 people
Where was their first kiss?
After first date @ New Realm Brewing
Name of the venue
Four Oaks Manor
Dani's favorite Musical
Wicked and/or Mamma Mia
What type of car does Alex's entire immediate family famously have?
Before the term "bachelorette" was coined, bachelorette parties were called this
Hen parties
Where were they the first time they said I love you?
Visiting American's Campus in DC
Number of days until the wedding
27 days