the first (Minecraft) date night
what is dinner with candles in the lush cave?
name of the pub we went to the first night
what is The Silverton Inn?
piano song danish sent to lilibet that she now heavily associates with him
what is the mercy of the wind by million eyes?
reason for our first text conversation
what is 8-ball/pong/gamepigeon text games?
name of Bella Swan's hometown and state
What is Forks Washington?
the Dutch museum we visited using google maps/tours
what is the Van Gogh Museum?
Laufey song that shares a name with what romantic title we first shared with each other
what is valentine?
first jelly cat danish bought lilibet and vice versa?
what is bear in tree and tree?
high school in Canton sharing the name of a town where witch trials famously happened
what is Salem High School?
item of clothing lilibet spilled wine on during that disastrous date night
what is white shorts?
colour of the Bakerloo tube line, and the tube station we caught from our airbnb
what is brown/maroon and Westbourne Park
song that played after he left after 3 days of trying when we showed Nakul the library maze
emoji danish famously used a lot as Danishphobic when we first met
the 8 main characters of the Addams family
who are Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Fester, Lurch, Thing, Grandma?
name of the Egyptian Queen's tomb we toured online
who is Queen Meresankh III?
4 items we ordered at The Ivy
what is strawberry & watermelon bellini, steak tartare, sirloin steak, Shepard's pie?
seasonal duo song that reminds danish of lilibet
what is "Love to Keep Me Warm" by Dodie and Laudey
friend lilibet was worried danish would fall for when they first met
who is Emilia LMAO?
name of a Babytron album released around Halloween in 2022
number of DATE NIGHT Minecraft builds on the server (so not including initial house build)
check on the server (closest wins)
first night we kissed & shop that finally had a sewing kit LMAO
what is Sunday night and Waitrose?
the first song on the shared playlist "gimme classical please and thank you love abdul thanks in advance for your help okay"
what is Romeo and Juliet by Tchaikovsky ?
Gilmore Girls character Danish called "dreamy"
who is Luke Danes?
scary Minecraft guy