Big Hat Logan is called Big Hat Logan for this reason:
He wears a big hat.
Gwynevere isn't a boss, although attacking her will trigger a bossfight with someone else. She's famous for having this player-written message on the ground in front of her: Massive ___ Ahead
Massive chest ahead
This game has the most endings of any fromsoftware game, and how many?
Elden ring, 6 endings
The healing item in every dark souls game is famously called this.
Estus Flask
Sometimes I wonder if anyone will ever love me. In this game you get flamed for being bitchless but can touch women and even get married.
Elden Ring
Solaire of Astora is a great NPC in dark souls 1. He is well known for the phrase, praise the ____.
Praise the Sun! May I too one day be so grossly incandescent.
Priscilla is a DLC boss in dark souls 1 who famously is horndogged after for showing this part of her body:
Her feet
In this game you can become god as one of the endings. (multiple correct answers)
Bloodborne, dark souls 1, dark souls 3, elden ring
In nearly every fromsoftware game, and also nearly every soulslike, characters heal by resting at one of these.
Bonfires (or similar things)
The famous meme quote "every soul has its dark" was said by this man.
John Darksoul
This character in elden ring calls you bitchless but at least then offers to be your maiden and gives you a horse.
These dark souls 1 and 2 bosses is a seggy topless woman, until you see that her bottom half is actually this animal. (two different ones, either counts)
Spider, scorpion in dark souls 2
The entirety of this game technically hits us with the "but it was actually a dream" ending
This gameplay mechanic involves swinging a shield, offhand weapon, sword blocking, or shooting a gun with proper timing.
Japanese players got confused when western notes on the ground kept referencing this videogame
Artorias was the first abyss watcher who stopped the rise of darkness, but was eventually corrupted. Everyone fanboys over him because he's a really hard boss even though dude is incredible injured and fighting one handed with his off-hand. What kind of pet did he have?
Great Gray Wolf Sif
These two dudes are the most famous gank fight of all time.
Ornstein and Smough
This action, which is a possible ending of dark souls 1 and 3, involves sacrificing your own life in order to fuel a fire.
Linking the Flame
This move in bloodborne can only be done after landing a parry, and involves shoving your fist in them and ripping them apart. You can also parry and counterattack in other games so ill take that answer too.
Visceral Attacks, or ripostes
The most famous ground message left in any dark souls game, time for ___.
Time for crab
Name two protagonists from any fromsoftware game. Most of them don't have specific names, but their titles are what im looking for.
The slayer of demons, the chosen undead, bearer of the curse, the ashen one, sekiro, the hunter, the tarnished
When you fight this boss, you technically are fighting the boss of dark souls 1, your character from dark souls 1, and every character in a line of certain events since then.
Dark souls 3 final boss, the Soul of Cinder
Name the locations the fromsoftware games take place in (any two honestly counts).
Boletaria, Lordran, Drangleic, Lothric, Hunter's Dream, Ashina, The lands between
In this game, bosses can only be killed with a "deathblow". It also has actual stealth mechanics
A very famous and toxic phrase, what you tell someone when they are complaining about the difficulty of the game.
Git Gud Casul