Classical Sinners
Contemporary Sinners
Lions, Tigers, and Bears
Inferno in Pop Culture

This sinner was punished for his prideful attempt to physically access Purgatory while in the living world, as well as his involvement with the Trojan horse.

Who is Ulysses?


This sinner resides in the subcircle for those who betrayed their party, and yet, is hinted at by Dante as having enaged in something far worse: cannibalism of his own children.

Who is Count Ugolino?


This gluttonous beast guards the third circle of Hell.

What is Cerberus?


This city marks the "halfway point" of Hell, as Dante and Virgil transition from sins of incontinence to sins of malice.

What is Dis?


This popular video game series features heavy allusions to Inferno, and has major characters named after Dante, Virgil, and Beatrice.

What is the Devil May Cry series?


This sinner, found in the second circle, is said to have killed herself by allowing an asp to bite her.

Who is Cleopatra?


Dante is shocked to see this sinner, his former teacher, being punished for sodomy.

Who is Brunetto Latini?


Minos, the judge of the damned, does this to declare where in Hell souls must reside.

What is, "wraps his tail around them as many times as the number of the circle they're in?"


This is name of the boiling river of blood that tortures souls in the circle of violence.

What is the Phlegethon?


This author's novel The Tenth Circle is named in reference to Inferno, and features many allusions to it and the rest of The Divine Comedy.

Who is Jodi Picoult?


This sinner was immortalized in a major Shakespearean work, marked by a famous phrase beginning with "Et tu..." (and Satan seems to think he's pretty tasty)

Who is (Marcus Junius) Brutus?


This flaming sinner is quoted as saying "my works were not those of a lion but a fox."

Who is Guido da Montefeltro?


Geryon is described as having the head of a man, dragon-like wings, and the tail of this animal.

What is a scorpion?


This location completes the following set of subcircles in Circle 9: Judecca, Antenora, Caina, and _______.

What is Ptolomea?


This classic horror monster was referred to by its author as being, "a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived."

What is Frankenstein's Monster?


This sinner, punished for her flattery instead of her prostitution, is described by Virgil as digging excrement from under her fingernails.

Who is Thais?


This sinner is able to deceive Malacoda's vicious band of devils under the pretense that he will attract more sinners for them to torture.

Who is Ciampolo?


This demon's name (translated from the Italian "Libicocco") may be a perverted spelling of the Tuscan word for "apricot," a term often associated with female genitalia.

Who is Love Notch?


A clay-footed statue, likely intended to mirror the technological progression of human society, is found in this part of Hell.

What is the third subcircle of the seventh circle of Hell?


This 19th Century author's La Comedie humaine is named after the Commedia.

Who is Honoré de Balzac?


This prophetic sinner, punished in the later half of the Inferno, acted as a major character in several Greek epics, including Oedipus Rex, The Odyssey, and Antigone.

Who is Tiresias?


This sinner is the only one of three "companions" that does not merge physical forms with a serpent in Canto 25.

Who is Puccio Sciancato?


A horde of these mythical creatures pelt the sinners in the seventh circle with arrows.

What are centaurs?


This real-world location, mentioned in Canto 26, marks the closest point between southern Europe and northern Africa.

What is the Strait of Gibraltar?


This animated adaptation of Inferno from 2014 follows two brothers named Wirt and Greg (accompanied by bluebird Beatrice), as they venture through a mysterious forest and encounter sinful, eclectic characters from different periods of American history. The boys outrun a mysterious figure known merely as "The Beast" as they try to find their way home.

What is Over the Garden Wall?