Dante and Inferno
Canto 1
Cantos 3 & 4
Canto 5
Canto 34
"The Inferno" is a part of a much larger literary work. What is the name of the WHOLE work?
What is The Divine Comedy
Where is Dante and how did he get there?
What is a dark forrest and he got off the righteous path
Who is Charon? Describe him.
What is the ferryman who takes sinners across the Acheron River to Hell. He has wheels of flame for eyes; he has long/gray hair; he is old; he is a demon
Who is Minos? Describe him.
What is the judge of Hell. He's horrible, snarly, a spirit with a long tail.
Satan is in the 9th circle of Hell. Describe him and what his punishment is.
What is he is taller than giants, has bat wings, 3 heads, etc. He is trapped in a block of ice from his waist down.
"The Inferno" is an Italian literary work from the 1200s. What type of literature is "The Inferno?" Epic Poem Fiction Biography Short Story
What is an epic poem (a long poem that tells a story)
Who does the Greyhound symbolize?
What is Jesus
What is the punishment for the sinners who made no decision to serve God in the Vestibule of Hell?
What is they are naked and stung continuously by gadflies and hornets. Their faces bleed and worms eat at their feet.
What does Minos's tail symbolize?
What is every time he coils his tail, determines the level of Hell a sinner will go to
How do Dante and Virgil escape the inferno?
They climb up Satan to the outside of the inferno
What is divine retribution?
What when the punishment fits the crime
Who is Dante's guide and how does Dante feel about him?
What is Virgil, and he admires him/ looks at him as a mentor
What type of sinners are in the First Circle of Hell (Limbo) and name someone who is in this circle.
What is blameless (good) people who were not saved nor baptized
The lustful are in the 5th circle of Hell. What is their punishment?
What is they circle around in a dark hurricane of wind
What type of sinners are in the 9th circle and what is their punishment?
What is the treacherous and they are in the cold & darkness
Who was Dante in love with? Why couldn't he be with her?
What is Beatrice and because they were both in arranged marriages to other people
Who will be Dante's guide through Paradise (Heaven)? Why?
What is Beatrice because Vigil can't go to Heaven
The four mighty shades in Limbo are Homer, Horace, Ovid, and Lucan. What were their professions?
What is poets
Why is Dante allowed to go through the levels of Hell even though Charon and Minos disagree?
What is because it is God's will
What name does Dante give Satan?
What is Dis
What is an allegory and what is the allegory in "The Inferno?"
What is a story that has both a literal and symbolic meaning. "The Inferno" is literally Dante's journey through Hell, but symbolically, it is his journey to spiritual salvation
What are the 3 animals he encounters in the forest, and what do they EACH symbolize?
What is a panther (worldly pleasure), a lion (ambition), and a she-wolf (incontinence: lack of self-control)
What is the inscription above the gate of Hell?
What is "All hope abandon, ye who enter in"
Dante asks to speak to Paolo and Francesca. Explain who they are, how they fell in love, and what happened as a result of their love.
What is they were in laws who fell in love while Francesca was married to Paolo's brother. Paolo's brother killed them both for their adultery.
What three sinners does Satan chew in his mouth? Describe you they are and who they betrayed. Which sinner is considered the worst one?
What is Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, Brutus and Cassius betrayed Julius Caesar. Judas is the worst sinner because he betrayed Jesus.