Who said this? "Let's get back on the rocket."
Who is Harry?
What is the meaning of idle?
What is "you pass time without doing anything?"
Who are the main characters?
What is The Bittering Family?
Who said this? "I bet something happens."
Who is David?
What is the vocabulary? "A person who is ______ enjoy the company of others in a sociable manner."
What is convivial?
What are the Bittering Family's names? (name at least 2)
What is Harry, Cora, Dan, Laura, David?
Who said this? "My eyes? They're blue of course!"
Who is Harry?
What was Receded in the story?
How many people were there at Mars?
What is 1000 people?
Who said this? "What's wrong with Dan for a name?"
Who is Cora?
Give 2 synonyms for pendulum.
What is swinging & hourglass? +etc.
Who is the family member that wants to go back to Earth at the beginning of the story?
What is Harry?
Who said this? "Your llles and your fine ior uele ere."
Who is Cora?
What is the meaning of muse?
What is "you say something thoughtfully?"
Why does Dan want to change his name to Linnl?
What is "he dosen't connect to his human name?"