This individual is known as the building hype-man, athletic director, and a 6th grade math teacher.
Coach Byrd
The location that students should keep AirPods or other wireless devices during the school day.
Book bags or Purse
Publication sent out via email and the school Facebook page to spotlight student success, update parents and community members on DMS events and important school information.
DMS School Newsletter
This application is used to communicate student grades to parents and students.
This individual is new to the DMS dream team, but is extremely dedicated to keeping DMS healthy.
Nurse Flowers
Headphones with chords
Progress Reports
This application is used to display lessons and activities, as well as the place students submit their assignments.
This group consist of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders that work hard inside and outside of the classroom. The group's pillars are: Academic Achievement, Character, Leadership, and Service.
DMS Beta Club
This individual is knowledgable about Falcon Pride having served as a cheerleading coach for many years. Currently serves DMS as the 7th Grade Assistant Principal.
Dr. Williamson
True or False:
Student can wear hoods on their heads in the building.
wearing a hood is not permitted in the building.
Hats are allowed on Fridays, with a Hat Coupon.
School Status Connect
This year, DMS has adopted an approach that includes students practicing skills with paper/pencil and other hands-on approaches, as well as technology to enhance the learning experience.
80-20 Rule
This team consist of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who represent DMS across the Pee Dee region, showcasing their knowledge of trivia facts.
DMS Academic Challenge Team
This individual has a heart for the community and enjoys working with the DMS family. You can always find this individual helping to keep our school and community safe.
Officer Miles
DCSD Website or DMS Website
name an additional form of parent - teacher communication used here at DMS.
emails, phone calls, letters, or virtual meetings
Program provides students with extra opportunities to practice skills and receive tutoring from their teachers once a month on every third Tuesday.
Empowerment Hour Tutoring
This day is observed once a month on Fridays to give students an opportunity to learn skills or crafts not directly taught in class.
DMS Club Day
This individual has served DMS in many roles over the years serving as a social studies teacher and currently the leader of DMS.
Principal Cooper
Complete the following statement in regards to the school rule for cellphones: "___ and ____ until the end of the ___________."
" Up and away until the end of the day."
Event taking place on November 4th from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm that provides parents with the opportunity to meet with teachers and learn more about the great things happening at DMS.
November 4th (Parent- Teacher Conferences)
Hard work pays off! This opportunity provides students with the opportunity to have recreational time in the gym and spend time with friends if they have a 70% or higher in ALL classes and have positive behavior.
Flex Friday Recreation Time
150 Pinedale Drive
Darlington, SC