How would you introduce yourself to someone you've never met?
Hi! My name is _____. What's your name?
How do you feel when you're not included?
Sad and lonely
Give an example of a problem that you've had in your classroom.
Two friends arguing, not understanding an assignment
What can you do when a classmate drops their pencil pouch?
Help them pick it up
What's something that makes you feel happy?
friends, family, etc.
Compliment them, use kind words, help them, play with them
What can you do if you see someone sitting alone at lunch?
Invite them to sit with you
You were not picked to be the line leader today, how would you handle this?
Go to your spot in line and say kind things
What can you do if your friend gets hurt on the playground?
Tell the teacher and help them up?
Who could you talk to if you felt sad?
Teacher, parents, counselor
Is it okay to be friends with someone who is different than you?
Of course!
One of your classmates doesn't have a partner in gym, what could you do?
Invite them to be your partner, or if you already have one be a group of 3!
What can you do when you're frustrated at a classmate?
Talk to a teacher, walk away
Someone forgot their lunch and started to cry, what can you do to help them?
Offer to share with them
How do you know someone is a good friend?
They say nice things, smile at you, and play with you
How could you include someone who is being left out?
Invite them to play or to sit with you.
What can you do when you see someone being mean to a friend or somebody in your class?
Tell them to stop and ask the teacher what to do.
How do you feel when you help someone?
How can you express sadness to a teacher or guardian?
Tell them how you're feeling and what upset you.
Give an example of something you could say to someone on the playground if you wanted to play with them.
Your friend didn't invite you to their birthday party, what can you say to them?
It made me sad that I wasn't invited to your party. Could you invite me next time?
Show us an example of the end of a game in gym, one team lost and is sad, the other team is happy that they won.
Tell the other team "Good game" and be kind.
What could you say or do if you notice someone being mean to someone else?
What would a friend look like if they were sad or upset?
Frowning, head down, crying