Convert 1010 (base 2) to decimal
10 (base 10)
Convert 25 (base 10) to hexadecimal
19 (base 16)
Convert B (base 16) to binary
1011 (base 2)
How many distinct values can be represented using 4 bits?
What value do you get when you add 1 to the maximum signed value of a 4-bit integer (not including positive/negative bit)?
Convert 42 (base 10) to binary
101010 (base 2)
FF (base 16)
Convert 10011010 (base 2) to hexadecimal
9A (base 16)
What is the maximum unsigned integer (no positive/negative bit) that can be represented with 8 bits?
What value do you get when you subtract 1 from the minimum signed value of a 5-bit integer (not including positive/negative bit)?
Convert 1100111 (base 2) to decimal
103 (base 10)
Convert 137 (base 10) to hexadecimal
89 (base 16)
Convert 3F (base 16) to binary
111111 (base 2)
How many distinct values can be represented by a signed 10-bit integer (including positive/negative bit)?
If a 7-bit fixed-point number has 3 fractional bits, what are the minimum and maximum values that can be represented?
Min: 0 (0000000 in bits), Max: 15.875 (1111111 in bits)
Convert 11111111 (base 2) to decimal
255 (base 10)
Convert 1A3 (base 16) to decimal
419 (base 10)
Convert 110111101010 (base 2) to hexadecimal
DEA (base 16)
For a signed 6-bit integer (including positive/negative bit), what are the minimum and maximum representable values?
Min: -32, Max: 31
If a 5-bit fixed-point number has 2 fractional bits, what is the closest you can represent 3.7?
3.75 (01111 in bits)
Convert 1010 (base 10) to binary
1111110010 (base 2)
Convert ACE (base 16) to decimal
2766 (base 10)
Convert BEEF (base 16) to binary
1011 1110 1110 1111 (base 2)
What is the maximum value that can be represented by 16 unsigned bits (binary) converted to hexadecimal?
Does overflow occur when adding 70 and 90 in an 8-bit signed two's complement system (positive/negative bit included)? If yes, what is the resulting value?