This happens directly after the behavior occurs.
What is a consequence?
The method of data collection that measures how long a behavior is occurring.
What is duration?
Ms. Smith, Bill's teacher, asks the class a question. Bill raises his hand. Ms. Smith calls on him to answer the question. What is the behavior?
Bill raising his hand
This type of data collection records an exact count of how many times a specific behavior occurs.
What is frequency?
During a fire drill, the teacher gave the direction to line up quietly. Billy began to make noises and attempt to talk to peers in front and behind him in line. The teacher asked Billy to be quiet during the fire drill. Billy continued to make noises and talk very loudly. What is the consequence?
Teacher redirected Billy/asked to be quiet during the fire drill.
These address the physical, social, and physiological events that increase the likelihood that an antecedent event will trigger challenging behavior (ex: hunger, fatigue, pain, etc)
What are setting events?
Name one specific behavior that can be tracked using frequency count.
Multiple answers.
SIB, elopement, property destruction, verbal outbursts, physical aggression, etc.
A student is working on a writing assignment when the his pencil breaks. The student gets up and sharpens his pencil. The student sits back at his desk and continues to write. What is the antecedent?
Student's pencil breaking
What are the four functions of behavior?
1) Attention
2) Escape
3) Access/Tangible
4) Sensory
Observing whether a behavior occurs or does not occur at any point during specified time periods.
What is partial interval recording?
It is arrival time and Carl is asked to check in from staff. Carl comes in, lays on the floor, and states he is not going to check in. Staff approach Carl asking him what they can do to help, if he needs anything, etc. Carl lays on the floor with his jacket over his head. What is the antecedent?
Antecedent: Asked to check in from staff (given an instruction)
Name 1 possible antecedent to a behavior and 1 possible consequence.
Multiple answers.
Possible antecedents: given a demand/direction, denied access to preferred activity/item, transition, peer conflict, etc.
Possible consequences: Follow through with demand, modified demand, demand removed, redirection back to task, prompted functional communication response (help, break, item), object/activity given
An assessment tool that involves observing and recording situational factors that surround challenging behavior.
What is ABC data collection?
Mary walks into her classroom after coming back from taking a break. Her teacher tells her that it is time for ELA. Mary begins swearing at the teacher, telling her that she is not doing ELA. The teacher sends Mary on another break outside of class.
1) What is the antecedent, behavior, and consequence in this scenario?
2) What is the possible function?
Antecedent: Teacher's instruction to start ELA
Behavior: Mary swears/refuses to begin ELA work
Consequence: Demand removed/Mary sent on break
Function: Escape from demands