Data about Students
What is Student Data?
Collecting as little data as needed to accomplish the purpose
What is data minimization?
The European Data Regulation that covers the rules for how european data needs to be protected
What is GDPR?
Authorizes the collection of data, especially from kids
What is consent?
IP Address or pictures are a type of this data
What is PII?
Only using collected data for it's intended use
What is Limited Use?
The US law that governs how children's data is collected and used online
What is COPPA?
Privacy Agreements we sign with schools and our vendors about how data is protected
What is Data Privacy Agreement (DPA)?
School Data gets deleted only with this person's permission
What is a School Leader?
Sharing with customer why we are collecting data
What is transparency?
The US Laws that governs how student data is protected and governed
What is FERPA? Plus many State Student Privacy Laws
What is Heightened Consent?