Contrast Ares and Athena
Ares: tall, handsome, vain, and cruel; loved war, bloodshed, pain, and devastation; disliked by gods except Aphrodite.
Athena: wise, confident, respected, and just; accepted just wars; skilled at loom and potter's wheel.
stinging fly
furnace for heating metal
What is a forge?
Describe 2 of the 3 sets of children of Mother Earth and Uranus
1: Titans and Titanesses, the first gods
2: Cyclopes, one-eyed giant smiths
3: sons with 50 heads and 100 arms
What is Poseidon's symbol?
What is Apollo's symbol?
horrible and ugly
What is hideous?
being completely forgotten
What is oblivion?
How did Rhea and Mother Earth fool Cronus?
What is Hestia's symbol?
winged cap
What is Hermes' symbol?
plentiful, abundant
What is bountiful?
glittering with rainbow colors
What is irridescent?
Describe Hephaestus' workshop, location, and how one knew he was working
Mt. Olympus, forges inside volcanoes with bellows and hammers and 2 thinking robots to help him, sparks flew out of the mountains and hammers could be heard
What is Athena's symbol?
What is Hephaestus' symbol?
shallow crossing place in a stream
What is a ford?
disrespectful, rude
What is irreverent?
Describe the palace of the gods and who was its builder
Cyclopes. Palace in the clouds hidden by the goddesses of the seasons, always light, 12 golden thrones with Hestia at the hearth
bow and arrow
What is Artemis' symbol?
thunderbolt / lightningbolt
What is Zeus's symbol?
lacy ornamental work with gold
What is filigree?
caution, good sense
What is prudence?