what number restaurant is this
what is 264
our chef
who is DAVE
What we call our customers
who are guest
What does F.A.N.S stand for
What is Fresh Hot Food, Accurate Orders, Neat and Clean, and Say Yes Service
How long our chicken cooks for
What is 5 minutes and 45 seconds
what are our seven spice levels
what is no spice, lite mild, mild, medium, hot, extra hot, reaper
where our pop up was located
what do say when your transferring chicken to the warmers
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Primary Responsibility at all times
What is 10
What is the name of our COO
what is Deryl
who is TOMMY
what do u say when transferring spiced fries to the warmers
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What is Hear, Empathize, Apologize, Take Action
How long our fries are good for
What is 15 minutes
what is the location Usher is a Parter with us
what is Atlanta Conyers
when a direction is given
what is HEARD
What are the 3 different Top loaded shakes we have ?
What is Oreo, Cinnamon Toast Crush and MnM's
The 3 types of chits
What is "summary", "side order" and "order" chit
The first store for this franchise
what is Pacific Beach
Tommy's brother
who is GARY
when you need an order made immediately
what is on the fly
what two Dave's Hot Chicken locations are almost identical
What is NONE
Extra Pickles on a slider means...
What is 5 Pickles