Why did David not become king right away?
Saul's son Ishy-B was still alive.
What covenant did God make with David?
Your kingdom will last forever.
Who did David see and covet?
How would you describe David's sons?
Scoundrels, didn't make great choices
Where is your Bible memory found?
Psalm 51:10-12
What happened when Uzzah touched the ark and why?
God struck him down because he was not a Levite priest (so he couldn't touch it.)
How did Jesus fulfill the covenant God made with David?
David came from the line of Jesus and Jesus reigns forever.
What sins did David make regarding the Bathsheba story?
He stole Uriah's wife
He coveted/committed adultery
He murdered Uriah
What mistake did David make with his family?
He didn't teach/rebuke/correct his sons well
Finish this line...
"Create in me a..."
What does the story of Uzzah and the ark teach us?
We should know and follow God's rules.
He would take care of his family
What can we learn from David's long list of sins?
One sin leads to another
How did Absalom die?
His long hair got stuck in a tree and they got to him.
Finish this line...
"Create in me a pure heart O God and renew..."
"a steadfast spirit within me."
Why did David move the ark to Jerusalem?
To put it in the center.
How did David keep his promise to Jonathan?
He took care of Jonathan's son, giving him land and telling him he always had a seat at his table
Who was the prophet who confronted/rebuked David about his sins?
What did Adinojah have in common with Absalom?
He also tried to declare himself king.
Finish this line...
"Do not cast me from your presence or..."
"...take your Holy Spirit from me."
Why did God tell David "no" to building the temple?
He had a different gift, he was a man of war.
How is what David did for Jonathan's son like what God does for us?
God gives us grace and has a spot for us in Heaven.
What were David's 2 responses after hearing from Nathan?
1. Who is this man? He should be punished.
2. Then, he apologized.
What advice did David give to Solomon?
1. Be strong
2. Be a man (follow God's ways)
3. Remember the promises God made/what he's done for you.
Finish this line...
"Restore to me the joy of your salvation and..."
"...grant me a willing spirit to sustain me."