Jesse had only one son, David?
What is false, he had many sons.
Now the Lord said to Samuel, how long will you (what?) over Saul?
What is grieve
Fill your horn with ____ and go; I will send you to Jesse in Bethlehem?
What is oil.
Samuel obey God and went to a. Bethel, b.Bethlehem, or c. Babel?
What is b. Bethlehem.
The Lord said to Samuel, do not look at his appearance of or the height of his stature because I have rejected him?
What is true.
God looks at our (what)?
What is heart.
God see not as ___ sees, for ___ looks at the outward appearance?
What is man.
Samuel said to Jesse, are these your a. children, b. sheep, or c. people?
What is a. children.
David, the youngest of the children was out tending cattle?
What is false - sheep.
What was the appearance or how did David look in one word?
What is handsome.
Samuel took the horn of oil and ____ David in the mist of his brothers?
What is anointed.
The Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon a. Samuel, b. David, or c. his brothers?
What is b. David.
Samuel rose and went to Ramah?
What is true.
David was anointed king but (who) has still king?
Who was Saul.
The ________ stood on one side of the mountain while ______ stood on the other side?
What is Philistines and Israel.
Goliah stood at least a. 9 feet tall, b. 7 feet tall or c. 10 feet tall.
What is 9 feet tall.
The Israelites were not afraid of Goliath because of how big and tall he was?
What is false.
Who did David defeat and with what?
What is David defeated Goliath and the Philistines with one stone.
David said, I you come with a ____, a _____and a Javelin, but I come in the name of the _______?
What is sword, spear, Lord
David was going to became the king of a. Bethlehem, b. Israel, or c. Bethal?
What is Israel.