What is David's middle name?
Who are 2 family members that just had their house painted?
Karen and Barbara
What very large trees did Claire and Brendan see in the Redwood Forest?
What is white and black and red all over?
A sunburned zebra
What season comes after summer and brings us Halloween?
Fall/ Autumn
How old is David?
39 years old
Which family member lives a block from a park and goes walking every morning?
Is Cape Cod on the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean?
Atlantic Ocean
Why did the boy cross the park?
To get to the other SLIDE!
Who makes the world's best homemade bread?
Grammy (Remember who is creating this game!)
What kind of car does David drive?
Chevy Traverse
What family members just purchased a big red truck?
Mommy and daddy
What is the capital of Oregon?
What do cows do in their spare time?
Go to MOOvies and MOOseums.
Who is the head of East Coast Operations for Rise Bakehouse?
Who is Uncle David's favorite niece and nephew?
Claire and Brendan
What two family members were both born on the 2nd day of a month?
Claire and Brendan
What is the capital of California?
What did the dirty sheep do?
Took a BAAth
How many stars are on the American flag?
50--one for each state in the USA
What song does David sing on karaoke night?
Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash.
Who celebrates an anniversary on someone's birthday?
Grammy and Grampa
What is the capital of Massachusetts?
What letter of the alphabet has the most water?
The "C"
If it is 10:00 at Karen and Barbara's house, what time is it at Margo's house?
1:00. Three hours later