Sheila Mooney
Who was the previous Guidance Counselor?
8:00-8:30am Mondays
When does Ms. Blake's Mindfulness group meet?
> 80%
What score is required to move up in the level system?
3 Tardies
How many tardies equal 1 absence?
Ms. Branagan
Who is the School Socialworker?
August 22, 2018
What was the first day of the semester?
What privileges do I get on Level 2?
During Lunch
When can you have cell phones out in the building?
Barbara Grimm
Who is the Interim Principal?
October 24, 2018
When is the end of Quarter 1?
How many absences are we allowed to have?
How many credits are needed to graduate?
Ms Cynthia
Who is our cafeteria staff person?
Every Monday during 4th period
When is R-Rules?
What does the M stand for in SMART goal?
Outside of the building
When can hats be worn?
April Owenby
Who is our school nurse?
First Tuesday of the month
When is Juvenile Court?
Coach Siniard
Who was the previous Rebound teacher?
Community Short Term Options Program
What does C-Stop stand for?