That's Not How I Remember that Book...
Around the World
I'm Something of a Scientist Myself
Totally *Norm*al

Use the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, and the symbols + and = to make a true equation.

2 + 5 = 3 + 4


A high schooler goes to prom with a sparkly old man.



This is the only continent in the world to have no active volcanoes.



Baryonic matter (matter made of atoms) makes up:

a) 100% of mass-energy in our universe

b) Between 75 and 100% of mass-energy in our universe

c) Between 50 and 75% of mass-energy in our universe

d) Between 25 and 50% of mass-energy in our universe

e) Less than 25 percent of mass-energy in our universe

It makes up only a little under 5% of the mass-energy in our universe.


Describe Mr. Normandin's ideal pizza.

Light cheese, extra sauce.

Spices are fine, but nothing else.


How can you add 8's to get the number 1,000? You can only use addition, but you can use, for example, 88 and other numbers with only 8's.

8 + 8 + 8 + 88 + 888 = 1000


Guy finds his true love based solely on her shoe size and not based on the face he looked at for four hours.



How many time zones does the United States span?



Dihydrogen monoxide is a colorless, odorless substance that causes thousands of deaths annually and millions in property damage. It is better known by this name.


Mr. Normandin cut a nerve in his finger while trying to make:

a) a Mobius strip

b) a sandwich

c) a good first impression

d) a contraption for a lab

a) a Mobius strip


Which digit is the most common between 1 and 1000 (inclusive)? Explain.

1; the extra 1000 at the end gives it one "extra" occurrence.


Amidst a bloodbath of innocent children, a girl deals with what is apparently a more pressing issue: which of two boys she likes more.

The Hunger Games


Which country produces the most oxygen on Earth?

Russia, thanks to its enormous taiga biome.


This animal can punch so hard that it can boil water and shatter glass, making it rare for aquariums to try to display them. But while they're not shattering shells, they're romantics: they're actually monogamous, which is rare among crustaceans.

The mantis shrimp.


In college, Mr. Normandin's best friend coined the term "the Dirty Dozen" in reference to when they were particularly hungry and would each try to consume twelve of these.

a) Soylent bottles

b) pancakes

c) tacos

d) McDonalds 6-piece McNuggets

c) tacos


You're on a game show where there are three doors, and behind one of them is a prize. You select a door at random. The host then opens one of the other two doors you did not select and shows you it does not have the prize. The host then offers to let you switch doors. Should you?

Yes. The new door has a 1/2 chance of containing the prize, but your door had a 1/3 chance of containing it.


A young couple goes to great lengths to return an unwanted piece of jewelry.

Lord of the Rings


Which is the most recent country to declare independence?

South Sudan in 2011.


This vitamin is produced by humans when they're exposed to the sun. A deficiency can lead to soft, weakened, deformed bones.

Vitamin D.


In college, Mr. Normandin switched majors:

a) zero times

b) once

c) twice

d) thrice

c) twice

Math --> Political Science --> Physics


A swimmer swims across a river with a strong current. To get across in the fastest time, should they swim with the current, against the current, or perpendicular to the current?

Perpendicular. Your velocity in the y direction is totally unaffected by anything in the x direction.


A boy visits a strange land, eats all of an old woman’s candy, and later participates in her murder.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Which country consumes the most chocolate annually?



The four fundamental forces in nature are the electromagnetic, gravitational, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear. Of these, this one is the weakest, and oftentimes not really considered to be a force at all.



Which of the following did Mr. Normandin *NOT* do in high school?

a) Organize a Worcester County-wide singing competition

b) Go on a date

c) Score a goal for the school's soccer team

d) Sing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer during his valedictorian speech

c) Score a goal for the school's soccer team
