It is sunny.
Qué es hace sol?
The Spanish word for dinner.
Qué es la cena?
Term used to describe a messy person.
Qué es desordenado(a)?
These are on your hands.
Qué son dedos?
Qué es hermana?
In this season it snows.
Qué es el invierno?
The first meal of the day.
Qué es desayuno?
Term to describe a talkative person.
Qué es sociable?
You talk with this.
Qué es la boca?
The mothers mother.
Qué es abuela?
The season with leaves change color.
Qué es el otono?
You need this drink to survive.
Qué es aqua?
Term to describe someone who can draw very well.
Qué es artistico(a) o talentoso(a)?
This is the body part used to see.
Qué son ojos?
The father's brother
Qué es tio?
The season when flowers bloom.
Qué es la primavera?
A large circle that is cut into triangles and put into a square box.
Qué es la pizza?
Term to describe someone who does nothing but sit around.
Qué es perezoso(a)?
The body part used to write.
Qué es el mano?
The uncle's son.
Qué es primo?
It is hot and we have no school during this season.
Qué es el verano?
A combination of vegetables for something healthy.
Qué es la ensalada?
Term to describe someone who would try anything.
Qué es atrevido(a)?
Your hand is attached to this.
Qué es el brazo?
The step dad's daughter.
Qué es hermanastra?