This type of learner is one that learns best through direct involvement. During an in-person presentation, they may be less attentive.
What is a hands-on (kinesthetic) learner?
In 1973, Mayo Clinic was the first in the US to ever use this type of diagnostic imaging.
What is a CT scan?
This type of intelligence is an important skill to practice because it allows you to not only recognize and manage your feelings but also to recognize the feelings of others.
What is emotional intelligence?
The first ICU physicians had this sort of medical background.
What is anesthesiology?
This type of leadership style is one that can be defined as a "give-and-take."
What is transactional learship?
This type of relationship is one that is both reciprocal and collaborative with a purpose to help develop a mentee's growth and learning.
What is a mentor relationship?
Mayo Clinic's Logo consists of this many shields which are a representation of the integration of these three areas: patient care, medical education, and medical research.
What is three?
This type of communicator wants to be heard and might dominate conversations. The best approach with this type of communicator is to be calm yet assertive.
What is an aggressive communicator?
The tracheostomy and positive pressure ventilation were pioneered during this epidemic.
What is polio?
This type of leadership style is one that greatly values input from it's team members and peers.
What is democratic leadership?
What is a feedback sandwich?
What is a microscope?
This type of communicator is one that might avoid sharing their thoughts and feelings. They would be more likely to enjoy one-on-one conversations over group settings.
What is a passive communicator?
This type of catheter was first self-tested on a German physician named Werner Forssmann in 1929.
What is a central venous catheter?
This type of leadership style is not one to micromanage or provide feedback to those under their supervision.
What is the Laissez-Faire leadership style?
The number of stages in the mentoring program.
What is 3?
1984 brought Mayo Clinic it's first this, easing transport of critical patients, weather permitting of course.
What is Air Ambulance- Mayo One?
This type of communicator would be more likely to express their ideas and collaborate well with others.
What is an assertive communcator?
The first method of positive pressure ventilation was a tube with a rubber bag attached to it. The practitioner used this to ventilate their patient.
What is hands?
This type of leadership style is one where employees thoughts or concerns are not taken into considering. Allowing this type of leader to make all the decisions.
What is autocratic leadership?
This generation is one that we may be less likely to work with but more likely to have as patients.
What is anthrax?
What is a passive-aggressive communicator?
This Minnesota physician created a similar version of this medical device 1930. This medical device is widely known by the physician's last name.
What is a foley catheter?
This type of leadership style is dependent on high levels of communication and these type of leaders tend to focus on the big picture of the teams goal.
What is transformational leadership?