Speed & Velocity
Newton's Laws
1. Sometimes tectonic plates do not move easily past one another, and the plates become stuck. Forces build up, and when the plates finally move, tension is released, as shown below. The sudden movement of the plates is cause by- A. the mass of the plates B. the weight of the plates C. unbalanced forces D. gravitational force
C. unbalanced forces

10. Two cars with different masses travel at the same speed down a hill toward a stop sign. What will happen when both cars apply brakes at the same time to stop? A. The car with the smaller mass will require less force to stop than the car with the larger mass. B. The car with the larger mass will maintain its velocity while traveling down the hill. C. The car with the smaller mass will take longer to stop than the car with the larger mass. D. The car with the larger mass will have less inertia than the car with the smaller mass.

A. The car with the smaller mass will require less force to stop than the car with the larger mass.


What is the formula for acceleration?

Acceleration= force/mass


Newton's Laws 1st Law aka _____________ 2nd Law Force/___________ 3rd Law Action/__________

inertia, acceleration, reaction


Which of the following best describes the velocity of an object? A. 30 m/s B. 30 m east C. 30 m/s east D. 30m/s2

C. 30 m/s east


3. The diagram shows a homemade car being pushed with a force of 25 N. The force causes the car to move at a constant speed of 3 m/s. What will happen if the force is changed to 35 N? F. The car will move at a constant speed of 13 m/s. G. The speed of the car will not change. H. The speed of the car will increase. J. The speed of the car will decrease to 1 m/s

H. The speed of the car will increase.


5. For an investigation, a student measures the speed of a cart as it rolls down a ramp. The student then records the data in the table below. Which of these best explains the student’s data? A. The speed of the cart decreases as the cart rolls down the ramp because of friction between the cart and the ramp. B. The speed of the cart increases as the cart rolls down the ramp because the force acting on the cart is greater than the force of gravity. C. The speed of the cart increases as the cart rolls down the ramp because the forces acting on the cart are unbalanced. D. The speed of the cart decreases as the cart rolls down the ramp because the forces acting on the cart are balanced.

C. The speed of the cart increases as the cart rolls down the ramp because the forces acting on the cart are unbalanced.


9.The masses of four vehicles and the net forces acting on them as they enter a highway are recorded in the table below. Which vehicle has the greatest acceleration as it enters the highway? Vehicles Entering a Highway VehicleMass (kg)Force (N) Sedan1500 4500 Coupe1200 4500 SUV 1800 4500 Truck 2000 4500 A.Sedan B.Coupe C.SUV D.Truck



An object at ________ will stay at _______ while an object in ___________ will stay in _____________ UNLESS acted on by an _________________ force.

rest, rest, motion, motion, unbalcanced


A train travels 50 meters in 30 minutes. What is the train's speed per hour?

100 meters/hour


2. When a space shuttle was launched, the astronauts onboard experienced an acceleration of 29.0 m/s2. If one of the astronauts had a mass of 60.0 kg, what net force (in Newtons) did the astronaut experience? Record your answer and fill in the bubbles on your answer document. Be sure to use the correct place value.

1740 (show me on your griddable)


7. The three vehicles shown below are all traveling at a speed of 15 m/s, but only the pickup truck has a changing velocity. The pickup truck has a changing velocity because the pickup truck- A. can accelerate faster than the two other vehicles. B. is traveling in the opposite direction from the other two vehicles. C. is traveling on a curve in the road. D. needs a large amount of force to move.

C. is traveling on a curve in the road.


A force of 20 N acts upon a 5 kg block. Calculate the acceleration of the object.

4 m/s2


Acceleration is produced when a force acts on an _________. The greater the _______, the greater the amount of force needed to accelerate the object.

object, mass


A student jumps off a sled toward the west after it stops at the bottom of an icy hill. Based on the law of action–reaction, in what direction will the sled most likely move as the student jumps off? A. North B. South C. East D. West

C. East


11. Four students raced toy cars on a track. The mass and the acceleration of each car is as follows:

Car 1: mass: 0.19kg   acceleration: 2.0m/s2

Car 2: mass: 0.15kg   acceleration: 3.0m/s2

Car 3: mass: 0.25kg   acceleration: 1.5m/s2

Car 4: mass: 0.21kg   acceleration: 2.5m/s2

Which car had the greatest applied force? 

A.Car 1   B.Car 2   C.Car 3   D.Car 4

D. Car 4


6. What is the difference between the velocity and the speed of an object? F. Velocity is the change in distance over time, while speed is the change in velocity over time. G. Velocity has a direction associated with it, while speed has no specific direction. H. Velocity has no direction associated with it, while speed has a specific direction. J. Velocity is the change in speed over time, while speed is the change in distance over time.

G. Velocity has a direction associated with it, while speed has no specific direction.


4. A student uses a magnet to move a 0.025 kg metal ball. The magnet exerts a force of 5 N, which causes the ball to begin moving. What is the acceleration of the ball when it begins to move?

A. 200 m/s2


For every ___________ there is an _______________ and ___________________ reaction.

action, equal, opposite


A basketball with a mass of 0.60 kg is accelerated with a force of 10.8 N. If resisting forces are ignored, what is the acceleration of the basketball to the nearest m/s2?

18 m/s2


The diagram shows a sled moving along a smooth, frictionless track. In which sections of the track will the sled experience an unbalanced force?

Section 2 and section 4


What are the three ways the formula for speed can be written? No looking at notes or packet

speed= distance/time, distance=speed x time, time=distance/speed


Which has the least acceleration? Vehicles Entering a Highway VehicleMass (kg)Force (N) Prius 150 450 Camry120 450 Van 180 450 SUV 200 450



Write a real world example of inertia.

answers will vary


19 Four students push carts filled with sports equipment across the gym. Each student pushes with the same amount of force. Which cart has the greatest change in speed? A. 12 tennis rackets m = 10 kg B. 18 exercise mats m = 20 kg C. 15 sports balls m = 15 kg D. 28 pieces of rope m = 25 kg

A. 12 tennis rackets m = 10 kg
