This is the league rivals Angela Reese and Caitlin Clark play in
Her name is Stefanie Germanotta, or better known as
Lady Gaga
Over 50 million people succumbed to the Spanish Flu during this fashionably drab year
This is the number of chambers the human heart has to pump blood throughout your body
Nathan Lane
This is the amount of folds in a Chef's hat
206 Bones are found in the average human body. More than half of them can be found here and here
Hands and Feet
This internal organ is responsible for storing bile
This influencer has the most Instagram followers of all time
Cristiano Ronaldo
This continent is the only one with no recorded spiders living anywhere on it
Known as the father of Psychoanalysis, He shared the same homeland as The Terminator
Sigmund Freud
Florence Nightingale
The amount of original Avengers that died in Endgame
Iron-man and Black Widow
This is what you call a group of flamingos
A Flamboyance
Starting with the letter L, it is one of the 12 systems of the human body
This actor famously moonlights as DJ Big Driis when he is not on the big screen
Not the favorite child in the family, she is known as Barbie's little sister
This Greek goddess was so lovely, they named a part of the human eye after her