This staff member is currently in teachers college, and has a brother named David.
This participant is from Haiti, burps ALOT, and is a talented artist who loves drawing flowers and writing sweet messages to her friends.
This staff member is fiercely scared of snakes
Ophidiophobia, or the extreme fear of snakes, is a common specific phobia characterized by intense anxiety and avoidance of snakes or situations where they might be encountered
Of the roughly 3,700 known species of snake found worldwide, only 15% are considered dangerous to humans.
Which participants favorite food is Oatmeal?
Hint: Their name starts with the letter M
Oatmeal is an ancient snack:
A member of the grass family, oats are believed to have originated from western Asia and eastern Europe. Evidence suggests Paleolithic hunter-gatherers ate wild oats approximately 32,000 years ago in what's now southern Italy, and Neolithic people cultivated them some 11,000 years ago in the West Bank's Jordan Valley
This staff has multi-colored hair, is ALWAYS hungry, and lives with another former staff member.
This participant is a basketball superstar and makes excellent buzzer noises.
This staff member has a fear of crabs!
The fear of crabs is called kabourophobia. The word comes from the Greek word kavouris, which means "crab"
Fun fact:
How they communicate
Crabs communicate by waving their claws, especially during mating rituals and territory disputes. Some species drum their claws on their shells to alert others of predator
Some crabs can see all around them – 360 degrees...Crabs have eyes on their stalks which are attached to their heads and lets them see all around, 360 degrees.
Which one of friends LOVES fish and chips?
The origins of fish and chips is not entirely clear. Fried fish was first introduced and sold by East End Jews, while chips first took off in Lancashire and Yorkshire. But we may never know who was the first to bring the magical combination together.
Fried fish
Originally, Western Sephardic Jews settling in England in the 17th century would have prepared fried fish in a manner similar to ‘Pescado frito’, which is coated in flour. Battered fish is coated in flour and dipped into a batter consisting of flour mixed with liquid, usually water but sometimes beer. Some newer modifications to the recipe may add cornflour, and sometimes use soda water instead of beer.
This staff member has an adorable dog named Molly, and loves to go golfing in his spare time.
This participant is a groovy dancer, loves tie dye, and to eat her cheese slices for morning snack.
Which one of our classmates is deathly scared of Tarantulas?
Fear of tarantulas, or specifically spiders, is known as arachnophobia, a common anxiety disorder characterized by an intense and irrational fear of spiders and other arachnids.
Tarantulas can be black, brown, gray, or even brightly colored. Most people are afraid of tarantulas because they are so large and weird-looking, but the truth is that these spiders are not dangerous. They live in nests in the ground and are pretty timid, avoiding people whenever they can.
This participant loves all food, but his favorite is Chicken Parmesan Sandwiches!
Micheal O
Chicken Parm (chicken parmesan) evolved as an American-Italian fusion dish, with Italian immigrants in the US adapting traditional Italian dishes like melanzane alla Parmigiana (eggplant parmigiana) by using more readily available and affordable ingredients like chicken, becoming a staple in Italian-American cuisine by the 1950s.
This staff is an animal lover!
With two cats and a dog, and an original interest in Veterinary clinics.
This participant has lots of sisters, is very good at math, and has strawberry blond hair.
Scared of the dark:
This staff member watched a scary movie when she was only 10 years old and was so scared of the dark that she spent almost a full year sleeping in her parents room in the dog's bed.
The story revolves around a family moving to a sunflower farm in North Dakota, hoping to find peace, but encountering paranormal activity and a real killer.
Which staff member LOVES honey garlic wings?
The distinctive sweet, savory, and umami flavor of honey garlic, especially when fermented, arises from the interaction of honey's sweetness and garlic's sulfur compounds during the fermentation process
Fermenting garlic in honey is said to boost the health benefits of both ingredients, with some believing fermented garlic honey can serve as a probiotic and immune-boosting condiment
This staff member loves her games and collectibles.
She keeps an adorable mouse toy on her keychain:
This participant used to be in the Drama Program, likes to color, and has beautiful hand writing!
This participant is scared of the Headless Horseman
The Headless Horseman is a spooky, legendary figure from the story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving, believed to be a ghostly Hessian soldier who lost his head during the Revolutionary War and now haunts the area at night, looking for his missing head
But Irving didn’t invent the idea of a headless rider. Tales of headless horsemen can be traced to the Middle Ages, including stories from the Brothers Grimm and the Dutch and Irish legend of the “Dullahan” or “Gan Ceann,” a Grim Reaper-like rider who carries his head.
According to the New York Historical Society, others believe Irving was inspired by “an actual Hessian soldier who was decapitated by a cannonball during the Battle of White Plains, around Halloween 1776.”
This staff member loves Candy. Specifically sour patch kids.
Sour Patch Kids, a candy known for its "sour then sweet" flavor profile, began in the 1970s as "Mars Men" shaped like aliens, created by Frank Galatolie for Jaret International and were rebranded as Sour Patch Kids in the 1980s to capitalize on the Cabbage Patch Kids craze
This staff is always changing his hair color and loves to know..."Are you hungry?"
Jason Gamble!
This participant loves his movies and musicals, and always makes Madison jealous with his Friday night junk food meals.
Michael O!
Despite being on our silliest sallies, this participant is scared of clowns: ____________
Coulrophobia, or the irrational fear of clowns, is a specific phobia that can trigger intense anxiety, panic, and physical symptoms when encountering clowns or clown-related images.
Coulrophobia, or the fear of clowns, arises from a combination of factors, including the unfamiliarity of clown makeup masking emotions, the unpredictable and sometimes exaggerated behavior of clowns, and potentially learned or influenced fear stemming from family, media, or personal experiences
While the exact prevalence of coulrophobia (fear of clowns) is difficult to pinpoint due to limited research, some studies suggest that around 5% of people report being very afraid of clowns, and around 53.5% report some level of fear.
This participant loves her Chinese food, specifically chicken balls.
Chicken balls, a staple in Western Chinese cuisine, originated in the kitchen of the Hang Fung in Monaghan, Ireland, in 1981