Causes days and nights to occur
what is Earth's rotation
The season in the northern hemisphere after winter
what is Spring
How many days does it take Earth to revolve around the sun one time
what is 365 days
This moon is between the Sun and the Earth
what is the new moon
from the Earth, this moon appears fully lit
what is a full moon
Time it takes Earth to complete one rotation on its axis
What is 24 hours
Equal days and equal nights
What is Fall (autumn) or Spring
These 2 things cause seasons
what is the tilt and revolution of the Earth
term when the light is getting larger on the right side of the moon
what is waxing
the moon phase that occurs one week after the new moon
what is the First Quarter moon
Texas is facing the sun and is experiencing this
What is day
These two location have opposite seasons
What are the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere
the Earth is tilted at this angle
what is 23.5 degrees
term when the visible light is getting smaller on the left side of the moon
what is waning
the moon phase that occurs three weeks after the waxing gibbous moon
what is a waxing crescent moon
When Texas is facing the Sun, Russia is NOT facing the sun. Russia is experiencing this
what is night
Longer days and shorter nights
what is summer
the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun in this season
what is summer in the northern hemisphere
Two weeks after a new moon
what is a full moon
the moon phase that occurs two weeks after the 1st quarter moon
what is the third or last quarter
an imaginary line that runs through both poles of the Earth
what is the axis
The reasons for the seasons
What is the tilt of the earth of it's axis and the Earth's revolution around the sun
When the Southern Hemisphere is titled away from the sun
what is winter in the southern hemisphere
Three weeks after a new moon
what is a 3rd quarter moon
A waxing crescent was observed on April 1st, this moon will be observed on April 8th
what is a waxing gibbous