Uncle was a high school athlete who played for this team whose name is defined as a large air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure, counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
SHG Cyclones
This kid was perhaps a little to brave climbing so high without help. Maybe being wet contributed to the slip instead of slide.
Finn Theron O'Brien
Abe married Mary Todd in this city on November 4, 1842.
Springfield, IL
This kid took it on the chin!
Jack Duncan
Name two of Lincoln's four sons.
Robert (Bob)
Edward (Eddie)
William (Willie)
Thomas (Tad)
This cook spilled turkey stock everywhere and did a pretty bang up job with the faceplant!
Based upon your relationship to Abraham and Mary you would address them as _____ _____ and
_____ _____.
Uncle Abraham and Aunt Mary.
This kid just wanted to sail on the tree swing "just one more time". Guess the bark really wasn't worse than the bite.
Jack E. O'Brien
Abraham lived in a small village in Menard County, IL. The settlement is called _____ _____.
New Salem.
Our relationship to Abe and Mary is due to her. ____
Howard Todd Keys
Louisa Howard Todd Keys.