Gatsby throws parties every weekend.
Daisy only attends one party.
Perspective the novel is through the most.
Who is Nick?
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
Why is Trying to live in the past and not moving forward?
Green light at the end of Daisy's dock symbolize for Gatsby.
Why does It symbolize Gatsby's hopes and dreams for the future, particularly his desire to be with Daisy.
Shoots Gatsby.
Who is George Wilson?
Motivates Toms aggressive behavior towards Gatsby.
How does he feel threatened by Gatsby's wealth and his relationship with Daisy
Nick's perspective influence our understanding of Gatsby.
How is he a hero?
What does Daisy mean when she says, "I hope she'll be a fool—that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."
What is limited roles and expectations of women in the society?
The Valley of Ashes represent the moral and social decay of society.
What is pursuit of wealth and the neglect of the lower classes.
Jay Gatsby's love interest.
Who is Daisy Buchanan?
Daisy choose to stay with Tom instead of leaving with Gatsby.
What is Daisys desire for stability and social status?
The first-person narrative affect the reliability of the story.
What is Nicks experiences and point of view?
"Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!"
How is Gatsby refusing to accept the past cannot be recreated ?
The significance of the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg?
What is Eyes of God watching over the moral decay of society?
Daisys best friend.
Who is Jordan Baker?
Nick to move to the East Coast and become involved with Gatsby.
What is bond business and to find excitement in his life?
Nick considered an "honest" narrator, and the affect the story.
How does Nick pride himself on being non-judgmental, which makes his observations seem more credible to the reader?
What does Nick mean when he says, "I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.
Why does Nick feels detached from the wealth and excess around him
Gatsby's mansion symbolize his character and who he is.
What is Gatsby's wealth and his desire to impress and win back Daisy?
Tom Buchanan's mistress.
Who is Myrtle Wilson?
Myrtle has an affair with Tom Buchanan.
Why does She want him for his money and to get away from her poor life?
Nick's Midwestern background contrast with the characters he describes in the East.
How does Nick's Midwestern values of honesty and morality contrast with the East Egg and West Egg residents?
"Civilization's going to pieces... I've gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things."
Why is Tom expressing his fear of social change and his belief in the decline of traditional values?
The weather during the novel often symbolizes.
Why does The weather often reflects the emotional tone of the scenes, such as the heat representing tension and conflict.
Daisys cousin.
Who is Nick Caraway?