Know thy Numbers
90's Music
Student Eligibility
You have the right!

What is the current MAGI income limit for 1 person?



What does QMB stand for?

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary.


Finish this lyric from 1997's hit by N'SYNC: "Its tearin' up my heart when I'm with you..."

"and when we are apart, I feel it too."


If a meal plan provides more than what percentage of their meals would disqualify a student from CF?

Students who live on campus and receive more than 50% of their meals through a meal plan, (whether purchased or provided at no cost to the student), are considered residents of an institution who are not eligible for CF.


How many days does a person have the right to file an appeal?

90 days.


What is the current Calfresh income limit for 1 person?



How long does the Post partum Medical coverage last?

12 months.


This band hit the Airwaves in 1997 and it was "something unpredictable but in the end it right"

Green Day.


What is the form number for the "CALFRESH STUDENT EXEMPTION SCREENING FORM"?

CF 6177.


What are the minimum requirements for a Calfresh Application.

Name, Address, and signature.


What are the 4 FPL Percentage limits for MAGI MC.

%109, %138, %213, %266.


Name 3 conditions for presumptive eligibility.

Amputation of leg at the hip, Blindness, Deafness, Bed Confinement, Stroke (3 months past), Cerebal palsy, muscular dystrophy, atrophy, Down Syndrome, Sever Mental deficiency, Low newborn birthweight, HIV, Terminal Illness, Spinal cord injury, end stage renal disease, ALS.


Name this song from 1999 with the opening line:

"She's into superstition, black cats, and vodoo dolls."

Living la Vida Loca!


In general, we can postpone verification of student eligibility except for 1 exemption. What is that exemption?

We can allow postponed verification for all CF student exemptions listed except when the only exemption for the student is that they are in an approved work study program for the current term and anticipate working during the term.


When are you required to report gambling winnings?

When they are over $4500.


What is the current Maximum Shelter Deduction for Cal-Fresh?



What is Sneede v. Kaiser?

Under the US District Court’s order dated January 5, 1990, 

Family budget unit composition rules must ensure that:

 A Stepparent’s income and property are not considered available to his/her spouse’s separate children.

An unmarried couple’s income and property are not considered available to each other nor their partner’s separate children.

 A child’s own nonexempt income and property are not considered available to anyone but him/her.

A caretaker relative’s income and property are not considered available to anyone but him/her.


This song by Queen hit a resurgence in 1992 after being featured in the movie Waynes World.

Bohemian Rhapsody.


Can a private college have approved LPIE's?

Effective September 1, 2022, pursuant to ACL 22-46, the following previously approved programs are no longer valid:

· The automatic approval of most state-funded and foster youth programs is no longer valid. These campus-based programs should be individually identified by campuses or the local program as meeting the standard of an LPIE to the extent possible.

· Private institutions are also removed from the List of Approved LPIEs as these programs are not operated by a state or local government. While students at private institutions are not eligible for the LPIE exemption, they are potentially eligible for other student exemptions.


Where can a person use the Restaurant Meals Program in Monterey county?

Tacobell and El Pollo Loco.


What is the current LUA amount?



Name 5 Mega Mandatory Medical groups.


Title IV-E Foster Care, Adoption Assistance and Kin-GAP

State-Only (Cash) Foster Care, Adoption Assistance and Kin-GAP

Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Medi-Cal Only

Former Foster Care


Disabled Adult Child

Disabled Widow/Widower

Medicare Savings Programs


This hit released in 1998 popularized the use of auto-tune in pop music. Name the song and artist.

Believe by Cher.


2-part question: When does student eligibility need to be reviewed in the following scenarios?

1) CF app. date 8/27. Interview date 9/3. 1st day of school is 9/2. 

2) CF app. date 8/27. Interview date 9/3. 1st day of school is 10/2.

1) September

2) At the next RE.

School term begins Before the date of application: Student status begins in application month.

After the date of application, and by the interview date: Student status begins in the interview month.

In the 3rd month or any subsequent month after the application and the interview date: To be assessed at RE.


Recite the Calfresh Responsibilities.

There are 7 listed from the R&R script.

You have a responsibility to:

• Give the County all information needed to determine your eligibility.

• Give the County proof of the information you gave when it is needed.

• Report changes as required. The County will give you information about what, when, and how to report. If you don't meet your household's reporting requirements your CalFresh benefits may be lowered or stopped.

• Look for, get, and keep a job or participate in other work-related activities if the County tells you that it is required in your case.

• Fully cooperate with county, state, or federal personnel if your case is selected for review or investigation to ensure that your eligibility and benefit is correct

• Pay back any benefits that you were not eligible to get.

• Report within 10 days: anytime your household’s total monthly income is more than your current Income Reporting Threshold (IRT).
