You have an appointment. When should you tell your boss you will be missing work?
Minimum of 2-3 weeks prior
If you dont like your coworkers what should you do:
A- ignore them
B- be polite and work nicely
C- get them fired
What is a good way to keep track of tasks?
- calenders
-any similar responses
What should you do when you don't understand a task from your boss?
Ask questions so you do it correctly
How many points do you get docked per day?
5 points per day
What is the best way to inform boss of an issue on the day of?
Who might you have to work well with at your job?
Customers, Boss, Coworkers
What is it called when you put off tasks to last minute?
What is it called when you have to gather facts?
What does not count as a soft skill?
Final Affirmations or Tests
Why is communication important?
so that everyone is aware of what is going on
Benefits of teamwork include…
-good quality to work
-everyone getting along
-other answers accepted
When you get an assignment or task, when should you do it?
Right away so you don’t forget.
Pro’s & Con’s
How many weeks until an assignment locks?
2 weeks
What are the different forms?
Speech, technology, body language, etc.
How can you improve your teamwork skills?
- communication more often
- eye contact
-not being afraid to put yourself out there
-other answers may be accepted
What happens if you don’t do your tasks in time for work?
You could get fired
What is the first step of problem solving?
Identifying the problem
What does kern say is more important? Soft or Hard skills?
Give an example or act out good communication
Answers may differ
What would you do if your coworkers were not assisting in their part of group work?
Talk to them
What is a way to avoid having missing work?
-staying on top of tasks
-doing work right away
What is the type of solution called when you something that benefits everyone involved
win-win solution
How does Kern demonstrate soft skills?
answers may vary