Licensing - Pt2
Licensing - Pt1
The Fog Before and After
How is this a horror game?

Which of the classic "Main Three" slasher villains are not apart of The Fog?

Who is Jason Vorhees?


Which license has two separate chapters?

What is Resident Evil?


Theater lovers rejoice, what are these two characters that appear as Valentines skins for The Nurse and The Wraith?

Who are Erik and Christine from Phantom of the Opera?


Despite many not being exactly on board with the idea, which band of outcasts eventually all embraced their role in the fog?

Who are The Legion?
(Susie and Joey resisted, Frank and Julie embraced)


Which character is famously known for hiding in lockers?

Who is Dwight Fairfield?


Who were the first two movie licensed characters to appear in the fog?

Who are Laurie Strode and The Shape/Meyers?


Famously making a return to the fog years after it was removed, what was this heavy-hitter?

What is Stranger Things?


Once a year, The Fog is overtaken by glowing, oozing flowers, and brings along this cosmetic set.

What is The Hallowed Blight Collection?


Which Killer was dragged to the fog by the Entity itself?

Who is The Unknown?


A common meme called "Boop the Snoot" involves which character?

Who is Amanda Young/The Pig?


Due to the disappointing release, fans have speculated that this may have been a lost license that had to be remade.

What is Tools of Torment?
(It is suspected that Skull Merchant was originally a Predator License.)


What chapter originally released for the 4th Anniversary of DBD?

What is Silent Hill?


What two survivors can have their genders changed via Legendary Characters?

Who are Cheryl Mason and Alan Wake?
(Cheryl -> James Sunderland)
(Aland -> Saga/Rose)


This was a big step for the developers, as they had to find a voice actor who could speak a dead language for this devout servant.

Who is The Plague?


When the game was in a notoriously bad state, what was this infamous quote from the developers?

What is "I think we did a pretty good job so far"?


After purchasing any of the characters in this chapter, a special cutscene plays after a certain amount of days.

What is Ringu?


Despite not actually being a license, what collection of cosmetics may very well be a reference to a famous Broadway Musical?

What is The Cursed Cats Collection?

As you may know, DBD has an official dating simulator. What is the name of the game, and therefore the cosmetic collection?

What is the Hooked on You Collection?


The Lyra siblings are from Brazil, but what is their family business?

What is a kite shop?


When using a certain add-on, which character is known to scare the sh*t out of surrvivors?

Who is The Shape/Meyers?


While being licensed yet not completely, who is this famous slasher icon?  

Who is The Ghostface?
(Danny Johnson is a DBD original character, yet his outfits are licensed.)


Despite having very little ties to the license itself, Felix Richter received an outfit in this collection bearing a strong resemblance this character originally found in the Resident Evil series?

Who is Piers Nivans?


One of the first legendary skins added to the game, which skin references a classic Scandanavian folktale?

What is The Baba Yaga?


Referred to in the tome lore, and also most likely being the playable character in spectator mode in custom games, what is this mysterious character's title?

Who is The Observer?


Referenced cleverly in an add-on, which item references a classic quote from the chapter's source material?

What is Jill's Sandwich
(Nemesis add-on, References RE1 When Barry Burton stated that Jill almost became a "Jill Sandwich.")
