This agent is a curry muncher
What role does he play in Valorant premier
At what number was he drafted
1st overall
This card is most know for playing at the bridge
Skeleton Army
The name of the game he plays that is super enjoyable to only him
War Thunder
This map is covered in snow
His place of occupation
Longo's produce or Call center
In 2016, LeBron led this team to an NBA Championship, coming back from a 3-1 deficit in the Finals
Cleveland Cavaliers
This card is most recognized for being in a 2.6 cycle
Hog rider
The name of his 3rd oldest sibling
The agent Breach is from which country
This is a 3 wheel vehicle he drives to work and school
Tuk Tuk
What hit advertisement was he in during the Christmas season
Sprite cranberry
This was the first Legendary card ever added to Clash Royale
The reason he missed his exams
Valorant was known by this codename before its official name was revealed
Project A
What grade did he achieve on his grade 11 functions exam
What is his full Birthday
December 30, 1984
This was the first-ever card to be removed from the game, later reworked and reintroduced in a different form
Heal spell to Heal Spirit
He made a chip out from how far
85 yards
Who says this voiceline "Yo doc, keep us topped up!"
He has a Look-alike who appears on the sidemen YouTube channel
What are the names of his three kids
Bronny, Bryce, Zhuri
What is the name of arena 19
Dragon Spa
How did uncle gary start his business career
selling clothes