How do we Authenticate a caller? 

S- Social Security Number (Last 4 Digits)

N- Name (Including First, Last and Suffix if Applicable) 

A- Address (Mailing and Residential) 

P- Phone Number (Best Contact Number)

D- Date of Birth


What is the relationship code we would use in our case notes for an Authorized Representative? 



What is the timeframe for a decision on NA/CA/MA applications? 

Nutrition Assistance - Approximately 30 days
Expedited Nutrition Assistance - 15 days 

Cash Assistance - Approximately 45 days

Medical Assistance - Approximately 45 days
Medical Assistance (Pregnant) - Approximately 20 days


What is the Ghost Call Script?

"Hello Caller? (pause for response)

Caller? (pause for response)

Caller if you can hear me, I cannot hear you.

Please call us back at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for calling HEAplus Customer Support, goodbye."


How do we establish our footprint in AZTECS?

Going to CAP1 screen as our FIRST screen before doing any research. 


What must we make sure is included when verifying the callers address?

The full address - including City/State/Zip Code. Any Apt, Unit, Lot #. As well as Direction (N, S, E, W) and Street Type (RD, LN, BLVD, AVENUE). 


How do we access the case note screen (CADO) within AZTECS?

By hitting the F8 key.
Reminder this is the ONLY way we can access the CADO screen in AZTECS. 


What benefits require a mandatory interview? 

Nutrition Assistance and Cash Assistance 


What is the One-Time Authorization Script? 

" Okay (Customer's name) do you allow one-time authorization for me to complete the password reset with (individual's name) today?" 



What screen would we use in AZTECS to verify a caller if HEA+ is fully down? 

HOSU (Household Summary) 


What category does callers phone number need to be in, to be recognized as the "best contact number"?  

Home or Cell Phone (Location within HEA+) 


What is the template we use to leave notations in AZTECS? 

"See HEA+ notations - Application ID ##########"


What part of Authentication is Secondary Question used for? 

DOB and Address only. 

What is the Downtime Script?

"At this time, we are currently experiencing difficulties with our systems that

are not allowing us to access your case information.

We are working on resolving this problem as quickly as possible

and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We ask that you please contact us back at a later time, while we work to resolve the issue.

Was there anything else I can assist you with? (Await customer response)

Thank you for calling HEAplus Customer Support, and after this call there is a brief one minute survey, may I connect you?"

(Await the callers response, then disconnect call)


What screen in AZTECS would we go to, to verify if a caller has completed their interview? 

INDA (Interview/Contact Data) 


What is considered an acceptable homelessness response? 

Qualified 'homelessness" responses:
Callers with a residential address listed as homeless may say “I’m homeless”, “I do not have a residential/home address”, “I have a general delivery address”, I'm couch surfing", "I don't have a home", "I'm in a shelter", "I'm in rehab", "I'm living in my car", "I'm on the streets", "I'm staying at friends houses".  They can also state the city/state/zip code that is present for the residential address.


What is the Standard Notation Format that we must use to notate our calls in HEA+? 

1. Authentication:

2. Who called and why:

3. What did the agent do:

4. Voter registration:

The Standard Notation Template cannot be modified or it will result in a deduction on your quality audits. (This includes changing the punctuation in the template, or rewording any of the lines of this Standard Notation Template) 



Which department would we connect a caller to, to complete an interview after we completed their application for NA and it says “Likely eligible for expedited benefits”?

NAX Eligibility Interview


What is the script used for Outbound Calls (Call Backs) if successful? 

“Hello, this is _________ with HEA+ Customer Support, I’m giving you a call back, as it appears our call disconnected.”


What is the CLIN (Client Inquiry) Screen in AZTECS used for? 

This screen is used to look up callers by their SSN or Last Name and DOB if we are unable to locate their case number. 


Is Secondary Question needed for SSN if they don't feel comfortable giving it over the phone/don't have one/gives any push back regarding the SSN? 

No, we will not use secondary question. We will move onto the next authentication point. 


If a caller calls in to check if we received their RFI, and we are able to locate documents in the system, what would we want to include in our case note in building block number 3?

3. What did the agent do: LOCATED IN HEA+/OnBase. DOCUMENT NAME AND DATE RECIEVED. (List ALL Documents & Follow Date Format: 05/01/2023)


If you don't see a Report a Change or Continue button in the callers case summary and the caller wants to apply for benefits, what would we do?

Begin a new application from the search and look up screen.


What is the Voice Signature Script we would use when speaking to an Authorized Representative? 

“I am now ready to record the voice signature. I will ask you four questions and read the statement of truth that you must agree to. Are you ready?”

Please say your full name

Pause for AR name

"The following questions pertain to the person you are representing:

Please say their name"

Pause for main contact’s name

"Please say their date of birth"

Pause for main contact's date of birth

"Please say their full residential address including  city and ZIP code"

Pause for main contact's address

"I am now going to read the Statement of Truth for this application. You need to agree to this Statement of Truth in order to submit your application. Please listen carefully to the entire statement."


"I swear under penalty of perjury, the statements and documents provided about myself and persons in my home, that relates to my eligibility for benefits, including any information regarding citizenship or alien status, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have not withheld any information. I swear under penalty of perjury that any photocopied information I have provided are the same as the original documents. I also swear under penalty of perjury that the statements regarding felony convictions and compliance with probation or parole are true and correct. Do you agree?"

The AR needs to positively confirm agreement by saying “Yes” or “I Agree”


On the EBME (Electronic Benefit Menu) Screen, which function number would we input?

