What are the 4 pillars of DBT?
Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness
What is Wise Mind?
What is accepting things for what they are?
Radical Acceptance
Mindfulness is the state of what?
Active and open attention to the present moment
Is emotion regulation in the change skills or acceptance skills?
Change skills
What is a dialectic?
What pillar does the skill of self-soothe fall into?
Distress Tolerance
What is TIPP
Changing your body chemistry to help lower intense emotions through
T: temperature
I: Intense/mindful exercise
P: Progressive muscle relaxation
P: Paced breathing
What is Mindfulness?
Willingness to fully engage in the present moment without invalidating your experience
What is planning ahead for distressing situations by identifying skills you will use and then rehearse using them, so you are prepared?
Cope Ahead
Who created DBT?
Marsha Linehan
what does GIVE stand for?
I: act Interested
V: Validate
E: have an easy manner
What are the 3 reality acceptance skills?
Radical acceptance, turning the mind, and willingness
Name the three states of mind
emotion mind, wise mind, rational/reasonable mind
What is OEA?
acting differently from the action urge connected with an emotion that is not fitting the facts
What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
short term skills to use/help during a moment of intense emotions/urges (crisis) to help accept the moment without making it worse
What is ACCEPTS and what is it used for?
A: activities
C: contribute
C: compare
E: other emotions
P: postpone
T: other thoughts
S: sensations
What are the three skills in mindfulness?
What skills, how skills, and core skills
What skill help you build strength in an activity with the intention to improve on it, challenging yourself so you can feel competent and in control
Build mastery
What is DBT used for?
What is Interpersonal Effectiveness?
getting your needs met in a way that is respectful to self and others
What are the 6 crisis survival skills?
STOP, TIPP, Pros and Cons, ACCEPTS, Self-soothe, and IMPROVE the moment
Name the three how skills
nonjudgemental stance, one-mindfulness, and effectiveness
What is accumulate positive experiences? Name one way to accumulate positive experiences