Utilized to get through a specific situation when you cannot take the time to process your feelings (ie: taking a test)
Distract Skills
Cheerleading statements
A state of mind in which you are focused solely on your feelings.
Emotion mind
Examples of this includes watching a funny movie when you are sad or listening to classical music when you are mad.
ACCEPTS stands for this.
Activities, Contributing, Comparison, Emotions, Pushing Away, Thoughts, Sensations
A way to help make a decision, considering all potential consequences.
Pros and Cons
You need to know this before you can decide which interpersonal effectiveness skill to use.
What your goal is in the interaction
A state of mind in which you are focused on facts and logic.
Rational (or Reason) Mind
Skills focused on reducing vulnerability to emotion mind and focuses mainly on self care
GIVE stands for this
Accepting that something is the way that it is, even if you do not agree with or like it.
Radical Acceptance
The goal of this skill is getting what you want.
A state of mind in which you feel emotions and focus on facts.
Wise Mind
A skill focused on doing something that makes you feel effective and in control
FAST stands for this
be Fair, no Apologies, Stick to your values, be Truthful
The acronym for various distraction skills.
The goal of this skill is keeping self respect.
Observe, Describe, Participate
What Skills
This skill focuses on doing things that increase positive emotions
Build positive experiences
DEAR MAN stands for this.
Describe, Express, Assert, Reward, take hold of your Mind, Appear confident, Negotiate
A way to cope utilizing the 5 senses.
The goal of this skills is maintaining a relationship with someone.
Stay focused, Don't judge, Do what works
How Skills
This is necessary in order to practice emotion regulation.
Mindfulness of emotions
IMPROVE the moment stands for this
Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One thing in the moment, Vacation, Encouragement