What does DBT stand for
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Baking a batching of cookies for your friends.
What is contributions?
What is imagery?
Wise mind, emotional mind, reasonable mind.
What are the three states of mind?
What is Pros and Cons?
What is your favorite skill and when would you use it?
Multiple answers accepted
Making a bracelet, reading, or playing with a hula hoop.
What is activities?
Taking 10 minutes for yourself before trying to problem solve.
Hot, reactionary, and impulsive.
What is emotion mind?
Lauren is feeling overwhelmed with her packed schedule. She starts to panic, saying that she won't get anything done right. She is considering doing nothing.
What is self-soothing and opposite action?
Help people deal with a range of emotions and replace harmful behaviors with skillful behaviors.
Help navigate relationships and life.
What DBT skills are used for?
Counting down from 1,000 by 7s.
What is thoughts?
Looking at more than one outcome after a stressful situation.
What is meaning?
A balance between logic and emotions. A mental supervisor.
What is wise mind?
Yogan lost his job due to downsizing. He feels like his life would be better if he had his job back.
What is radical acceptance?
What does Dialectical mean
Dialectical = two opposite ideas can be true at the same time
Thinking back to a time when you had to deal with a situation and how you would deal with it now.
What is comparisons?
Watching funny videos or listening to your favorite song.
What is emotions?
Organized, detail-oriented, cold, and calculated.
Regina is getting annoyed that her friends keep pressuring her to drink even though she had told them that she wants to be sober.
What is DEARMAN?
Emotional Regulation, Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Distress Tolerance
What are the four pillars of DBT?
Feeling the ground beneath your feet, touching a brillo pad, tasting sorbet, putting half your body in the sun and half in the shade.
What is sensations?
Doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, or folding laundry without any other distractions.
What one thing in the moment?
Consciously changing your focus of thoughts and intention.
What is turning the mind?
Ingrid's mind is racing. She keeps thinking about all the embarrassing experiences throughout her day.
What is ACCEPTS and checking the facts?