True or False
Distraction Skills
STOP/ TIP and Self-Sooth
Pros and Cons / Accepting Reality

True or False - Distress Tolerance skills are used for long-term.


(Distress Tolerance skills are used for the short-term only)


What does ACCEPTS stand for?

Activities, Contributions, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing Away, Thoughts, Sensations


What does the DBT Self-Soothing skills involve?

Your 5 Senses!!!!

Self-sooth skill involves doing things that feel pleasant, comforting, and provide relief from stress or pain. It helps to pass the time without making things worse.

  • Vision: Look for a beautiful sunrise or sunset, the stars at night, pictures etc.

  • Hearing: Listen to music you enjoy, breeze, waves etc.

  • Smell: Find a fragrance you enjoy, and smell fragrances around you. Smell a flower, perfume, freshly cut grass etc.

  • Taste: Enjoy some of your favorite foods.

  • Touch: Take a hot shower, bath, sit in the sun etc.


What is Radical Acceptance?

the complete and total acceptance of reality. It's about embracing reality as it is, even when faced with difficult or distressing circumstances. It is NOT, approval, compassion, love, passivity, or against change


What does DBT stand for?

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy 


Ture or False: Mindfulness is the foundation of DBT.

True: Mindfulness is a foundational skill in DBT. It involves being fully present in the moment, observing thoughts and feelings without judgment, and cultivating awareness of one's experiences.


Can distraction techniques replace other skills in DBT?

No: Distraction techniques are one component of a comprehensive set of DBT skills. While they are effective for temporarily managing distress, they may be complemented by other skills for long-term emotional regulation.


Name ONE method to change your body chemistry fast

-Cold Water 

- Holding your breath and putting your face in a bowl of cold water causes you to decrease breathing and heart rate triggering the mammalian dive reflex


What are the basic principles of accepting Reality?

Radical Acceptance, Turning the Mind, Willingness over Willfulness.


Distress Tolerance skills are menat to change your emotions and/or situation.  True or False



True or False-Distress Tolerance skills are intended to work every time?



What is the difference between distracting and avoiding?

Avoiding is choosing not to deal with it. When you choose to distract yourself from a distressing situation, you still intend to deal with it in the future, when your emotions have calmed down to a tolerable level.  


What does IMPROVE stand for?

Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One, Vacation, Encouragement 

IMPROVE skill is to improve the moment by replacing the immediate event that has caused unpleasant emotions, with a more positive act, thereby making the moment more pleasant and easier to tolerate.


What is the technique Half-Smile?

Half-Smile involves gently curving the corners of the mouth into a half-smile. This facial expression can influence mood and reduce emotional intensity, contributing to distress tolerance. Remember, your face communicates to your brain; your body connects to your mind. 


What are the THREE states of mind

Rational mind, Emotional Mind, Wise mind. 


True or False: The purpose of distress tolerance skills is to eliminate or avoid all sources of distress in one's life. 

False: The purpose of distress tolerance skills is to improve one's ability to cope with distress, not to eliminate all sources of distress 


Whate are three goals of Distress tolerance?

Survive the crisis situation, Accept reality by replacing suffering and being "stuck with ordinary pain and the possibility of moving forward and become free of having to satisfy the demands of your own desires, urges and intense emotions. 


What does the acronym STOP stand for? 

Stop, Take a step back, Observe, Proceed mindfully


How does the Willing Hands technique contribute to distress tolerance?

Willing Hands involves holding one's hands in a willing and open posture. This physical gesture can help shift emotional states and promote a more accepting and open mindset during distress


Observing this can be a useful Distress Tolerance still.

Observing your breathing


True or False: There are 3 subsections in DBT

False: There are 4 

Mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance. 


Why is it important to plan and prepare for potential distressing situations in advance?

Planning ahead allows individuals to proactively cope with potential distress. By identifying specific situations or triggers in advance, individuals can develop a set of strategies and coping mechanisms to use when faced with challenging circumstances. Also may be effective for: skill Building, increased Self-Awareness, enhanced Decision-Making, improve crisis management etc.


What does TIP stand for and under what circumstances would NOT be appropriate to use?

Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Paired Muscle Relaxation

This skill is intended to change your body chemistry quickly in order to reduce the effects of an overwhelmed emotional mind; where your thinking and behaviors are controlled by your overwhelming emotions. Very cold water decreases your heart rate rapidly. Intense exercise will increase heart rate. Consult your health care provider before using these skills if you have a heart or medical condition, a lowered base heart rate due to medications, take a beta-blocker, are allergic to cold, or have an eating disorder.


What does Pros and Cons help you do?

Pros and Cons list can be effective any time you have to decide between two courses of action. 

                                   Pro            Con 

Actin on crisis urge

(not coping)

Resisting crisis urge



What are the four problem solving options in DBT?

Solving the problem, finding ways to feel better about the problem, learning to accept the problem or situation, or staying miserable.
