Skills Cont.
Accepting Reality

The three states of mind

What is: rational, emotional and wise mind.


DBT stands for:

What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?


The A means what is ACCEPTS:

Bonus: For an extra 100 points, name some.

What is activities.

Teacher judgment on activities listed.


A crisis is:

Short-term, and high intensity. Also typically has an aftermath.


Willingness is:

Wilfulness is:

What is doing just what is needed, listening carefully to your wise mind, and allowing the world to be what it is.

What is refusing to tolerate the situation or giving up, trying to change a situation that cannot be changed, and the opposite of doing what works.


Opened mind and focused mind are also known as"

What is full awareness and attentional control.


Dialectical means:

What is: two opposites that can be true at the same time, and when considered together, can create a new truth and a new way of viewing the situation. There is always more than one way to think about a situation.


The two C's mean what is ACCEPTS:

Bonus: earn 200 more points for listing examples.

Contributing and Comparisons 

Teacher judges examples. 


Draw the Pro and Con table on the board.

**teacher discretion**


Radical Acceptance is:

What is the skill of accepting the things you can't change.


Name one reason why we bother with mindfulness:

1. Give you more choices and more control over your behavior.

2. Reduce emotional suffering and increase well-being.

3. Help you make important decisions.

4. Help focus your attention.

5. Increase compassion for self and others.

6. Lessen your pain, tension and stress.


The five areas of skills training are:

What is: core mindfulness, emotional regulation skills, distress tolerance skills, interpersonal effectiveness and walking the middle path


The E, P, T and S mean what in ACCEPTS:

Bonus: earn 300 more points for examples of each.

Emotions, pushing away, thoughts, and sensations.

Teacher judges the examples. 


Write a pro and con on the board about sneaking out at night vs not sneaking out. 

***teacher discretion*** 


Radical means:

Acceptance means:

What is complete and total accepting in mind, heart, and body.

What is seeing reality for what it is, even when you don't like it.


Name the "what" skills:

What is: observe, describe and participate.


The "bio" part of the bio-social theory is:

What is: a biological vulnerability to emotions characterized by a high sensitivity, high reactivity and a slow return to baseline, as well as an inability to regulate emotions.


The senses in self-soothe are:

Bonus: earn 400 more points for examples of each.

Vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and movement.

Teacher judge examples. 


The TPP skill stands for what:

Bonus: Describe how you do each skill for an extra 400 points.

Temperature, paced breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation.


Turning the mind is:

What is choosing to accept reality like a "fork in the road" and making the choice to accept, even when it is hard, and doing it over and over again.


Name the "how" skills:

What is: don't judge, stay focused, and do what works.


The "social" part of the bio-social theory is:

What is: an invalidating environment that communicates to you that what you are feeling, thinking, or doing doesn't make sense or is considered inaccurate or an over-reaction. This leaves the person feeling confused and unable to trust one's own emotions.

Name each skill associated with IMPROVE the moment.

Bonus: earn 500 more points with examples of each.

Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One thing in the moment, vacation, and encouragement.

Teacher judges examples provided. 


A crisis survival kit is:

Bonus: name 5 things that are in your crisis survival kit for an extra 500 points. 

Items and skills that can help me get through difficult moments. 


The two factors that get in the way of acceptance and what they mean:

Beliefs: believing that if you accept the painful solution, you will become weak and give in.

Emotions: Intense anger at the person or group that caused the painful event or guilt about your own behavior.
