Your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you in school without any explanation. You feel sad, empty, angry, and alone. Your feelings become overwhelming. In order to distract yourself from these feelings, you walk into the kitchen and grab some ice cubes that you hold in your bare hands for 10 minutes. This is an example of using what ACCEPTS skill?
Talk about how you used 2 of these skills in the past and how they helped you deal with difficult feelings or situation. Imagery, Meaning, Peace, Relaxation, One thing in the Moment, Vacation, Encouragement
Imagery--Imagined a funny cartoon character, imagined sitting on the beach and feeling the warm breeze. Meaning-- Writing poetry, identifying some life goals, looking foward to trying some new experiences. Peace--Warm bubble bath, taking a walk near a stream, listening to calming music. Relaxation--Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, stretching, yoga. One thing in the Moment--Focusing all of your attention on a mindfulness activity such as blowing bubbles, coloring a picture, listening to the words of a song. Vacation--Taking a short break from responsibilities. Allowing ourselves to take a short nap before finishing homework, eating a snack and then completing chores. Encouragement--Telling ourselves positive things that will motivate us: "You have dealt with much worse situations in your life. You can make it through this, too", reminding ourselves of the success we are making towards our goals.
What are the best times to use your self-soothing skills?
When you are in emotional pain, feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, having thoughts/impulses to be unsafe.