What does TIPP stand for?
(Tip the) Temperature
Intense Exercise
Paced Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
What does ACCEPTS stand for?
Pushing Away
What is the Self-Soothe skill?
Soothing yourself using the five senses; engaging in activities that usually has the effect of relaxing you.
What does it mean to be willing? (From the skill Willingness)
Willingness is doing just what is needed in each situation and wholeheartedly. It is listening to and acting from your Wise Mind, and acting with awareness that you are connected to the universe.
What does Dialectics mean?
Dialectics is the idea that two opposing things can be true at the same time.
What does the skill STOP stand for?
Take a step back
Observe (internally and externally)
Proceed Mindfully
What is the ACCEPTS skill used for?
Functional distraction
What does IMPROVE stand for?
Meaning making
Relaxing actions
One thing in the moment
What does it mean to use the skill Half-Smiling and Willing Hands?
Accepting with your whole body: try to adopt a serene facial expression and turn your palms upward.
What are the 4 Options for dealing with pain/problems?
1. Solve the problem (change the situation)
2. Change the way you feel about the problem
3. Tolerate the problem (using distress tolerance/acceptance)
4. Stay miserable (or make the problem worse)
1. Slow down the pace of your breathing (5-6 breath counts per minute/10-12 seconds per breath cycle).
2. Breathe from diaphragm (belly breathing)
3. Exhale longer than inhale
In what kinds of situations should one use ACCEPTS? In what situations should ACCEPTS not be used?
Use ACCEPTS when emotion mind threatens to overwhelm you or problems cannot be solved immediately.
Don't OVERuse ACCEPTS or use when a situation requires active problem-solving or changing a circumstance
Give an example of using Self-Soothe for each of the 5 senses.
In the skill Turning the Mind, from what choices must you choose?
Acceptance and rejection/resistance/denial
What are the steps of Mindfulness of Current Thoughts?
1. Observe your thoughts
2. Adopt a curious mind
3. Remember: You are not your thoughts
4. Don't block or suppress your thoughts
What kinds of situations should you not use Crisis Survival skills for?
Everyday problems
Solving all your life problems
Making your life worth living
Describe how to use the skill of Comparisons
Comparisons is about putting your current situation into perspective. It involves comparing your current feelings or situation to a time when you felt better or worse, to someone who is worse off, or a time when you were not coping as well as you are now.
Describe how one might use the Meaning-making skill
Find purpose or meaning in a painful situation
Focus on whatever positive aspects you can find
Remember, listen to, or read about spiritual values
"Making lemonade out of lemons"
What is NOT part of acceptance?
At least one of the following:
approval, compassion, love, passivity, or against change
When should you use Crisis Survival Skills?
Any of the following:
You have intense pain that cannot be helped quickly
Acting on your emotions would make things worse
Emotion mind threatens to overwhelm you
Problems cannot be solved immediately
Describe the 3 elements of the (tip the) Temperature skill of TIPP.
1. Cold (compress/ice pack/water) to the face
2. Hold breath (30-60 seconds)
3. Bend over to get the head below the heart
Describe the difference between Pushing Away and avoidance.
Pushing Away is a temporary distraction used to manage overwhelming emotions in the moment, allowing you to come back to the issue later with a clearer mind.
With avoidance we consistently evade a problem/ situation, often leading to long-term negative consequences and preventing effective coping.
Describe the 2 rules for taking a Vacation
1. Take the vacation in such a way that it does not cause harm
2. The vacation must be time-limited (a few moments to one day)
What has to be accepted?
At least one of the following:
Reality as it is
There are limitations on the future for everyone
Everything has a cause
Life can be worth living even with painful events in it
Describe the skill of Pros and Cons.
Use pros and cons any time you have to determine between two courses of action: Determine the Pros and Cons of (1) Acting on the crisis urge and (2) Resisting crisis urges