Understanding and Describing Emotion
Changing Emotional Reactions
Decrease Emotional Vulnerability
Decrease Emotional Suffering
General DBT, Mindfulness and Dialectics

This is one of the things that emotions do for you (reasons we have emotions).

What is motivate us, communicate to others, or communicate to ourselves? (ER 4)


The first step to changing your emotional response.

What is check the facts?


The skill that includes building more pleasant experiences into your life now.

What is accumulate positives - short term? (ER 15)


Three things you can do to increase the likelihood of restful sleep.

Consistent schedule, Avoid caffeine, nicotine, exercise late in the day, Keep room dark and cool (other options ER 20B)


The intersect of "reasonable mind" and "emotional mind" is......

Wise mind


These factors can make it hard to regulate your emotions?

Biology, lack of skill, reinforcement of emotional behavior, moodiness, emotional overload, and emotional myths.


Three or more steps in Check the Facts skill.

1. identify emotion to change 2. identify prompting event - just the facts 3. interpretations, thoughts assumptions 4. assuming a threat? 5. assuming a catastrophe? 6. does my emotion fit the facts? (ER 8)


Making changes in your life that are in line with your values, which leads to more positive things happening in the future.

What is accumulate positives - long term? (ER 17)


What does the mindfulness "observe" skill look like?

Noticing your emotion/thoughts mentally and physically without judgment or attachment, respecting that the emotion/thought exists.


Observe, describe, and participate are what type of mindfulness skills? 

"What" skills

TRUE of FALSE: There is one right way to feel in every situation. 

FALSE "emotional reactions are different for each person" 


A question to ask yourself in deciding whether to use opposite action or problem solving.

Is acting on my emotion effective?; does it fit the situation?; is it lasting too long?


Name one of the key factors in building mastery.

What is 

-building a sense of accomplishment

-gradually increasing difficulty

-planning for success, or looking for a challenge? (ER 19)


TRUE or FALSE: One step in surfing the wave of emotion is to practice respecting and loving your emotion.


effectively, one-mindfully, and non-judgmentally are what type of mindfulness skills?

"How" Skills


What are two myths about emotions?

There are good and bad emotions; Emotions have to be acted on: Emotions are facts; Other people can cause my emotions; I can cause other people's emotions


An example of taking opposite action for anger.

What is do something nice / use gentle approach / take time? (or similar) ER 10


Identifying a problem, choosing a strategy to use, and practicing it in your imagination, and relaxing.

What is cope ahead? (ER 19)


When surfing the wave of emotion, what does it mean to remember that you are not your emotion

You do not have to act on your emotion. 

Remember a time when you have felt differently. 


What does it mean to think dialectically?

What are walking the middle path, finding the synthesis between opposites, more than one things can be true at the same time, using AND instead of OR, letting go of extremes? (or similar)


There are four things that influence emotions: Which of the following cannot be changed directly?




-Body Sensations

What is body sensations


The last step of problem solving.

What is evaluate the results of the solution, and go back to brainstorming if it didn't work?


The 3 out of 5 steps to the PLEASE skill that includes taking care of your body to reduce vulnerability to negative emotions.

treat PhysicaL illness, balanced Eating, Avoid mood-Altering substances, balanced Sleep, get Exercise


What is the purpose of the "surfing the wave" skill?

Learning to sit with our emotions; be comfortable with uncomfortable emotions; remembering that emotions come and go, ebb and flow. 


Name a "thinking mistake" and give an example of it.

all-or-nothing/black-and-white thinking, catastrophizing, mind-reading, overgeneralization, mental filter, disqualifying the positive, emotional reasoning, should statements, labeling, personalization.
